The extent of my grind was slowly getting to 5M fans and scrambling at the last minute to get in the top 10k
Lol. Wow. Wouldn’t it be easier just to get him in the AH? The time spent for all these players grinding is crazy. Imagine if they had this dedication to their career or school work (for the youngins)? I’d rather just buy a bundle or two and make the profit off it to buy him. Far easier and technically speaking, cheaper (time is money). Nice job though, it’s just not for me.
Quote from Swaglife81 >> So the grind for a Top H2H reward involves....
Have 30+ matches qued at one time
Thats a tough one considering all of the above
Totally understandable why people pay couple hundred bucks for Chinese account that comes with 99 mil.
So the grind for a Top H2H reward involves....
I got him too. My story is, my wife was out of town on business and I was super bored.
thanks for the mostly positive replies. Just wanted to give people a glimpse of what it was actually like going through that. And if anyone wants to try it you damn well better like the player or the grind. Cuz it was probably as hard as Madden Mobile is going to get.
Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> long story and I aint reading the whole thing lol. basically you got him
Published Title: Losing My Life - A Quest For Watson
Alternate Title: Up From Poopage - Winning Watson While Leaving All the Other Crap Behind
Congrats OP! It takes dedication to get to the top 100. I realized halfway into the month that H2H was not worth my time anymore so I slipped from 1000 to 5000 (got the elite GP). This game is fun, but I'm not about to spend my whole day glued to my phone :(
Congrats on Watson. Thats one card you and everyones else who did the grind deserves.
Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> long story and I aint reading the whole thing lol. basically you got him
lol. congrats op
Hey guys,
I just wanted to breathe a bit, that was probably the most stressed Ive felt for a mobile game. Im sure others have similar stories, but wanted to tell the story of how ridiculous that grind was.
About 24 hrs ago at this time I fell asleep rank 98, proud but knowing there was work to be done. I already had a problem. The MLB opened today, and I was going to see the Roy Halladay tribute in Toronto with my gf. My planwas to grind at work as it was a slow half day, take a few hours off for the game...and finish off strong.
Well waking up rank 104 didnt seem like a problem, but it was apparent by about noon that for me personally, the break was not gonna fly. I was struggling, scraping whatever fans I could by purposely not finishes and only playing games in the green. Well most people had that strategy. I alreadt had 50 games queued, with about 20 red minus 108 fan scores. It was ugly.
I went back home to get my battery pack...I needed it for the game. After watching the tribue my eyes were cracked out switching from calling and doing plays and watching baseball. Luckily the Jays didnt decide to show up either, which made it much easier to put my head down and focus.