
Question for you international players regarding bans

So, I'm heading to China tomorrow for my Easter break to visit family. And I would like to know if any of you international players have gotten any recent bans. I asked Mr. Community Manager about this, but he completely ignored me :x  . I just don't want to get banned, but still enjoy the game while on break.

Also, if you are international and have NOT been banned, do you do big AH transactions? (mass bid sniping players, mass selling, etc.)


I live in France, no problems at all


So I guess the consensus is that there have been no bans recently for international players


Quote from Fist2805 >> Im from Germany as well , living in Belgium but regularly Play in both countries since i live near the border  . Dont do high-volume AH transacctions though . Also only really started Thanksgiving ,  i guess most bans happened before that ? 

 There were some in December too.


When i visited Indonesia in summer, I got messaged saying something like "Connection not blablabla", i i don't get banned but I can't play madden. Stuck in Brady face if I use my home wifi.

But using the public wifis like Starbucks was alright.


I was on vacation last summer, international and did not get banned, only played on wifi don't know if that matters


Im from Germany as well , living in Belgium but regularly Play in both countries since i live near the border  . Dont do high-volume AH transacctions though . Also only really started Thanksgiving ,  i guess most bans happened before that ?


Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from ThinAir >> I’m in russia right now.  Cant use Data Could use my home wifi but after update it’s blocked

But I can use metro(subway) wifi and starbucks

 So no ban for you. If you don't mind, just want to ask a few questions


Quote from verdunbuldogs >> enjoy your vacay panduh!

 ;) time to visit some REAL pandas :D


enjoy your vacay panduh!


Quote from saint242 >> Germany here  No ban since Christmas 

 Nice. Theres a huge German base for madden Do you play with the AH? Like mass bid sniping, putting up like hundreds of cards up on auction or stuff like that? I think that would make me suspicious if I was like making millions off the AH every day


Quote from ThinAir >> I’m in russia right now.  Cant use Data Could use my home wifi but after update it’s blocked

But I can use metro(subway) wifi and starbucks

 So no ban for you. If you don't mind, just want to ask a few questions -Are you on the east side or russia? (a lot of asian countries seem to get sweeped) -How long have you been playing without getting banned? Cuz you said ur in russia right now, I'll be in China for a week.  -So the problem with not getting into madden on your home wifi is because of your wifi or because of madden?


I’m in russia right now.  Cant use Data Could use my home wifi but after update it’s blocked

But I can use metro(subway) wifi and starbucks