With all the seemingly negative posts about this iteration of MM I figure a random post will be somewhat refreshing to all. So I've not played the console version of Madden since like 2010 (I think? Whatever the year Hillis was on the cover - what a joke btw), and perhaps this question is in the wrong forum - if so I apologize in advance.
At the top of the nav bar for Muthead there's a tab for prices, and it lists all sorts of neat stats for the prices on the console and now the PC. Why is something like this not available for Mobile? Is it the structure of the AH on console vs how it is on mobile?
Again, sorry in advance if this should be in another forum, but my question originated due to the fact that something like that would be AWESOME for mobile, hence the post here.
With all the seemingly negative posts about this iteration of MM I figure a random post will be somewhat refreshing to all. So I've not played the console version of Madden since like 2010 (I think? Whatever the year Hillis was on the cover - what a joke btw), and perhaps this question is in the wrong forum - if so I apologize in advance.
At the top of the nav bar for Muthead there's a tab for prices, and it lists all sorts of neat stats for the prices on the console and now the PC. Why is something like this not available for Mobile? Is it the structure of the AH on console vs how it is on mobile?
Again, sorry in advance if this should be in another forum, but my question originated due to the fact that something like that would be AWESOME for mobile, hence the post here.