
Sean taylor...!

I love Sean Taylors player cards over the years... in mm16 I sold alot of my team just to pick him up...mm17 I did what ever i could to get him...mm18 i tried to get him but fell short and didnt want to grind but thats on me... However, this year we receive an offer to get him for 10k legend badges...I think it is a bit steep comparing the prices of the other legends...I know that I can just not grind, or simply not care...However, as a fan of Sean Taylor I spent 700k on legend packs to get something...ended up with 3k badges after trading all legend stuff in...that seems a bit steep, but the player is what makes me wanna grind for him...I “could” spend 100$ for him, but then I don’t feel like replacing him after 50% of the season is over and not get other safeties that have way better stats for using in lvl...I love the fact we get gold and elite tiers to legends, but why only for 3 legends out of like 12 legends...1/4 of the legends we can obtain without paying or getting lucky with raffles/giveaways...Not to mention I cant use my coins to even them since they are NAT...So I cant build a team without spending 100$ on one player...all I wanted to get was my favorite players...IDRC about stats if the card is some what decently hard to get...unless it is a cheap stats card...I do not get the point of 10k for 1 legend just for him to be bad next week...I love the golds but 3/12 and it does not look like we will be getting golds of the others based on their ovrs...Just wanted to ask if it is even worth doing the 10k set or just wait to get legends to 83-85 which are 1-4k shields...I know —ANOTHER CONPLAINTS THREAD—...but this doesn’t feel obtainable to get since legends are nat now....

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