
Did EA....?

Did EA change the accuracy of long passes or defensive AI again?....I have played roughly 400-500 overdrive games and I have not run into a game where both me and my opponent score 800 or lower...I have had conplete games where I get 2k and my opponent gets like 200-300, but never a game where we both cant score 1k in 3 minutes...My AB dropped 5 passes after running 5 yards...Not sure but pretty sure that is a fumble...I also get overthrows every other play...This issue has never happened before where I throw 4 straight overthrows to barely win the game...Just to state those 4 werent using the same play...Either I got the worst luck ever or changes with no major indicator...It feels like they fixed spamming on my end to a point, but It feels like I throw more ints than before and I throw 10 yards past my wr... my defense leaves my points giving me 150-200 points..Just wanted to know if this happened or I am just having the worst luck in OD...Prob will be my last OD ranked game since already top 120 and dont wanna just drop due to issues...

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