
True or False: 250k Fans will make top 2500 this season

See the title. Current rank - 860


I woke up this morning and found my rank at 2507 with 245k fans.  Just needed 1 win.  Lost 2, won 2, then lost 2 more.  Oh well.


Quote from skreddy2400 >> 251k and 1911 (and falling) but should hold! Was at 242k and 2570 so played 1 game and luckily won to put me into the 1800s. 

 yeah it was crazy, i was at 2,325-ish at 245,000 fans with about 1 hr to go i think, won a match, got to 254k, which jumped me almost 1,000 spots to 1365-ish, which held on for about 1575 in the end


251k and 1911 (and falling) but should hold! Was at 242k and 2570 so played 1 game and luckily won to put me into the 1800s.


Yeah just sitting tight and see what happens. Not playing anymore. Only had to play 1 ranked game in the last two days. Not risking anything now.

Quote from lenny22688 >> I have 249k fans. I'm at 2226 rank and falling fast. 

 5 minutes. You should make it by about 200


I’m at 255k and sitting at #1333. So I think I’ll do the same as y’all and sit tight


I have 249k fans. I'm at 2226 rank and falling fast.

Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> I would say 240k will likely be the "danger" zone and close to the limit

 I can tell you from dropping so many last night 240k is not enough by about 4 or 5 k.

Falling down quite a bit at 251K. Might not make top 2000

I would say 240k will likely be the "danger" zone and close to the limit

Definitely true that 250K fans will be top 2500 this cycle.


Quote from Pokerplyr80 >> How ridiculous is it that the best strategy for many is to just not play the mode this game is centered around? I'm staying put and hoping my total holds up. 

I had pointed this out before, and in theory totally agree. But I have now realized, while we do stop playing at some point, many of us are playing way more than the h2h days between the game revolving around OD, the matching that makes many of us lose, and how fan works. From EA's perspective, us playing OD is probably not their biggest concern. Ironic since so many of us who play it anyway actually hate it.


How ridiculous is it that the best strategy for many is to just not play the mode this game is centered around? I'm staying put and hoping my total holds up.

Holding strong at #1106 at 251k.  Any insurance from another win isn’t worth the risk since it seems  all hell breaks loose if I drop to 240k.

Yeah 251K is defiantly safe. Was on for 15 minutes. Started session at 1161, did some live events, and when I checked a quarter hour later, I was at 1159


EA got to remove this 50/50 win lose  ratio.  I am in the same boat .  Just  trying to hang on , currently rank 1776.  I play rank again if I drop below 2100

I feel safe at 251K


237k at #1982. Just winning or losing one is a 400 spot swing, so I'm trying to sit tight but it's gonna be close.


234k fans ranked 2093. Haven’t played ranked in 5 days, I think. Might have to play ranked


Quote from Rshoots >> Quote from Rshoots >> #2242 at 228,560 fans


Now #2302 - 60 spots in 2 hours.

Looks like it is back to the grind for me.  Win and stop, likely.  Lose and keep playing for hours and hours, potentially.