
Fan Count Fix Suggestion

I posted this in another thread but it kind of got buried. Right now the problem with the fans at the HoF level is that it does not give people a reason to play once you reach a certain point because the risk far outweighs the reward. My suggestion would be to ensure that it is absolutely impossible to lose more fans than you win at any point. Now first thing I'm sure is, "boy that sounds silly it will be just like last year". I don't really think so. 

I think that once you hit the top 2500 or so, it should be at WORST even for a win or loss. What does this mean? At 50%, you would be breaking completely even. If you play 10 games and you go 5-5, you should lose no fans. If you go 4-6, well then you're losing fans. This also means that we would be able to see who is winning with a good ratio, and who is winning by grinding, because a 60% winrate will have considerably less wins than someone with a 51% winrate. 

As an example, giving 5k for a win 5k for a loss:

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