

There's alot going on around here the past few days.

Of course we have Sunday's tragedy that took place.

Also, of a much lesser importance, yet pertinent to these boards, is that we had a big update yesterday.

One thing that I've noticed is that there has been silence from EA since the update, this after a great deal of communication from them previously. (They've really stepped up their game recently in that area).

I'm pretty sure the lack of communication and the tragedy are related.

We all want answers for things that were "broken" in the update (Ace vouchers?), or not fixed (Android graphics glitches).  But I'm pretty sure they're getting the info, and will respond when they're able to.  I firmly believe we're not hearing from them about the updates due to EA having a public "moment of silence" for the victims.

The update was likely pre-loaded before Sunday, as Mondays are typically app update days.  So it's not like EA put this out AFTER the tragedy occurred.

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