At the current state of the game, spamming is the easiest way to gain fans in Overdrive but also the quickest way to get burnt out. When you select a captain, you can move him to another position ex. Gurley as hb/fb, Brown as wr1/wr2/slot, etc. what some people do with West Coast is they put their best HB in the FB position and spam FL Drive to the FB to finish Gurley’s captain bonus If you don’t want to spam, the West Coast playbook offers a lot of solid plays in each category. In long passes, there’s X Follow, Seattle, Verts Wheel Stop. In short passes, there’s FL Drive, All In, Te Out, Te Angle. In PA, most of them are viable. In Runs, both Power O are solid, both HB dive are solid, HB Cutback is excellent on 2nd and 3rd downs, FB dive and toss are great if you need at least 2 yards. It’s better to have lots of players matching your captain’s scheme as they provide team bonuses ranging from giving you additional team power to reducing the seconds needed for the overdrive meter to fill up.
I personally like spread. HB counter is a spammable run play, pa qb choice a good deep pa play, Frisco is a good short pass, and trail shake can be used for goal line and deep situations. PA boot over and smash are also great medium-long passing plays.
Kamara and Ertz are both viable captains. I recommend using Nagy with Kamara but any coach pairs well with Ertz.
The less obvious beauty of the spread scheme is that the archetypes you are likely to find are elusiveness HBs and deep threat WRs. What does that really mean? SPEED!!!
Quote from OhCaptain20 >> I remember you, welcome back my friend. People around here differ on schemes quite a bit. I myself use a vertical scheme but do not like the low Captain bonus. I think you can stay with West Coast but if you enjoy solid runs and deep passes, I would look to Vertical.
Specifically try to get a good slot WR and TE to utilize the seam routes and PA crossing. In terms of your Coach, I highly recommend Nagy. He can offset quite a few points your opponent racks up. also, and many will disagree but if you get the pop-up to buy 500K coins for 2K madden cash, do it. It gives you a leg up in the AH and building your team.
I remember you, welcome back my friend. People around here differ on schemes quite a bit. I myself use a vertical scheme but do not like the low Captain bonus. I think you can stay with West Coast but if you enjoy solid runs and deep passes, I would look to Vertical.
Specifically try to get a good slot WR and TE to utilize the seam routes and PA crossing. In terms of your Coach, I highly recommend Nagy. He can offset quite a few points your opponent racks up. also, and many will disagree but if you get the pop-up to buy 500K coins for 2K madden cash, do it. It gives you a leg up in the AH and building your team.
Hello Muthead. I was once a very active user awhile ago. I quit Madden Mobile over a year ago and have come back to it with it's new and impressive gameplay. I am have returned because I am asking for some help. I have struggled all throughout this season and have been losing in terrible ways. From getting flat out smoked to people with way lower team power just getting their captain bonus in crunch time for the win, it's been hard despite being 77 OVR. I am currently using West Coast but I am unsure if it's right for me. I like to run the ball and when I pass, I usually go deep or to fulfill my captain bonus (I use either Gurley or Scherff). I have around 150k but have a team full of West Coast players. I am unsure if I can switch it all up at a low cost but should I switch schemes? Should I get better players? I don't know and hopefully I can get some help. Thanks
Hello Muthead. I was once a very active user awhile ago. I quit Madden Mobile over a year ago and have come back to it with it's new and impressive gameplay. I am have returned because I am asking for some help. I have struggled all throughout this season and have been losing in terrible ways. From getting flat out smoked to people with way lower team power just getting their captain bonus in crunch time for the win, it's been hard despite being 77 OVR. I am currently using West Coast but I am unsure if it's right for me. I like to run the ball and when I pass, I usually go deep or to fulfill my captain bonus (I use either Gurley or Scherff). I have around 150k but have a team full of West Coast players. I am unsure if I can switch it all up at a low cost but should I switch schemes? Should I get better players? I don't know and hopefully I can get some help. Thanks