
#1 Reason why I hate OVRs >100.

This is wild. When have promo masters from the 3 biggest mid-season "holidays" been THIS irrelevant by seasons end? I mean last year MF Urlacher as a double boosted 94, TG Moore as a double boosted 97, and UF Deion/Favre as double boosted 98s (?) Were definitely outclassed by seasons end by bosses and ULs etc. But they weren't irrelevant. With their boosts and OVR they could still be competitively rostered. And definitely had more value than 50k. I hate this OVR system and hope we go back to the old way. Or at least implementing the ability to only go up 5 levels via training so maybe the best cards are 100 base maxing at 105. The 120 thing really is stupid to me. And no it's not relative because we were releasing lower than standard OVRs for most if the season. Then BAM 60+ 120s.

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