Now that it is confirmed TOTW is ending on 1/30 and they are converted into blitz token (no conversion rate given), what would be the best use of the badges? I, for one, did not feel the need to get TOTW players ever, so I have quite a bit saved. Here are some of the options I can think of to do (feel free to add more below). Of course, this could be very different depending on what the conversion rate is, but I don't have too high hopes of getting the actual rate by 1/30. To make the calculation easier, let's say you have 15k badges.
Get 3 TOTW Diamonds and sell them on AH on 1/30
Get 10 TOTW Elites and sell them on AH
Wait and get blitz tokenI would think Diamonds would give you the most profit, but there is a high chance that the price will tank very quickly because there would be high instant supply of them similar to when RS Barkley came out, especially if you have to wait till 1/30. Elites would give you some profit, but I don't think Elite market is that strong. And blitz token maybe an option since playoff promo would still be active with Super Bowl coming, but we don't know the conversion rate and they cap it at 20k, so there is a risk of losing out. Thoughts?
Now that it is confirmed TOTW is ending on 1/30 and they are converted into blitz token (no conversion rate given), what would be the best use of the badges? I, for one, did not feel the need to get TOTW players ever, so I have quite a bit saved. Here are some of the options I can think of to do (feel free to add more below). Of course, this could be very different depending on what the conversion rate is, but I don't have too high hopes of getting the actual rate by 1/30. To make the calculation easier, let's say you have 15k badges.