How would you arrange these players for a 3-4; different arrangements help boost certain positions for each, trying to get to 129 ovrl. Example with Blake in Kam's 131, NTL 129, Griffin 128, Chubb drop to 128. Does the arrangement below look awful? Notice alot of teams dropping the Griffin boost for a better LB ovrl, was trying to keep LT
127 Shaquem Griffin Cl Lawrence Taylor Boss Kahlil Mack CH Ray Lewis 4oJ Blake Martinez
note: started Kam at FS today over ST
How would you arrange these players for a 3-4; different arrangements help boost certain positions for each, trying to get to 129 ovrl. Example with Blake in Kam's 131, NTL 129, Griffin 128, Chubb drop to 128. Does the arrangement below look awful? Notice alot of teams dropping the Griffin boost for a better LB ovrl, was trying to keep LT
127 Shaquem Griffin Cl Lawrence Taylor Boss Kahlil Mack CH Ray Lewis 4oJ Blake Martinez
note: started Kam at FS today over ST