
Who is the better slot: ProBowl Marshall or Neutralizer Jimmy Graham

I picked up Nick Foles as WR, any advice on which you would keep for the Slot?  Pro Bowl Brandon Marshall or Jimmy G Neutralizer.  Thank you for any help.   note: I would have to use the other as TPs since both are trained. changing OTs why its silver

Lineup A

Line up B


Bmarsh has been fantastic for me in slot. But I have also never tried that graham/gronk combo, so I can't say anything on that front. I pass to my slot fairly frequently, but I also need him to block and Bmarsh gets the job done; I feel like graham would be a better pure blocker that can make a play when you need him to.


I like Double te. But foles is like a te so you could put him in the slot also.


Honestly, besides poor CIT, I always go with a TE in my slot. It seems like there are always solid plays which require a TE role from the Slot receiver. Just my personal opinion though.

Marshal does give an actually proven to work boost so that is good for him.

Jimmy G. is 6-7 compared to 6-5 Marshall, and I like tall players so I would go Jimmy.

Personally I would go with Graham at TE and Marshall in the slot unless you really need the boost from Gronk. That Graham card is easily my favorite player on my offense this year.


Brutal choice, but boils down to player preference. You could play with BMarsh on offense, and swap in Graham for defensive gameplan boosts when you weren't playing drives. Good problem to have, but I can see the tough call there for sure.


I'd go lineup B, but put Marsh where Foles is due to his tremendous blocking.

Nice team except for that scrub at right tackle. :lol:


I picked up Nick Foles as WR, any advice on which you would keep for the Slot?  Pro Bowl Brandon Marshall or Jimmy G Neutralizer.  Thank you for any help.   note: I would have to use the other as TPs since both are trained. changing OTs why its silver

Lineup A

Line up B