you know you're smarter than everyone here. I'll let ya and your condescending attitude figure it out
You can probably buy cheaper later on in the promo. That being said he is the only one from this drop that made my team. His stats are solid and I play him as my weak side LB. 6'5" 265lbs with 100bks and 101pwn is like having a 3rd DE on the field, but as a bonus they gave him decent coverage.
Their prices will continue to drop as more people are able to build them. You can build one for free basically every 10 days just by playing the live events. Tack on all the bonus from the tournament, achievements and sets, many will be able to build 4 easily. I think most people who wanted him already bought him, and with him so common now I'm actually surprised he hasn't dropped to 500k yet.
Quote from GrazDozTrez >> Quote from justain1 >> You guys don't think it'll drop below 500k? I was thinking of posting it back up for around 750k bid 900k bin and make like 80k profit and try to buy one later on?
Very possible. Their prices have been dropping and dropping since release. Anyone trying to flip these players has most likely lost money. In AH1 the only Jones with bids on are under 600k.
Quote from justain1 >> You guys don't think it'll drop below 500k? I was thinking of posting it back up for around 750k bid 900k bin and make like 80k profit and try to buy one later on?
Very possible. Their prices have been dropping and dropping since release. Anyone trying to flip these players has most likely lost money. In AH1 the only Jones with bids on are under 600k.
You might be able to get 750 K for him. I Bought hunt, Jones, and Harrison for under 700 K each
You guys don't think it'll drop below 500k? I was thinking of posting it back up for around 750k bid 900k bin and make like 80k profit and try to buy one later on?
I like bidding on things to check the prices, and but sometimes I accidentally end up winning. I feel like these TOTYs are gonna drop more after tourney. Should I keep or sell?
He is the one TOTY player I want from release 1, but yea, I think I can get him cheaper.