
AH bidding theory. Need help testing out theory. Anyone want to help?

So, I have this theory.  Whenever I want a card, I always buy by bidding.  Usually it's the best way to get cards unless you snipe it cheaper, but it's pretty tedious to try and snipe specific rarer cards.

However, when I do see a card that's in high demand, I feel like there aren't that many bidders.  Usually it "feels like" I'm matched up against 1-4 other bidders.  I guess it's possible that there are only 1-4 other bidders, but based on the fact that there are tens of thousands of people on the AH, I can't believe that there are such few bidders for a high demand card.

So, my theory is that EA splits up the bidding into a few people.  If you put a bid on a card, then you get put into a pool, and then only a select few are in that bidding war.  EA has a few different groups bidding on the same card.

I need maybe 1-3 people on AH1 that will get into a bidding war with me on a card and see if we're actually all bidding against each other.  I promise I'll buy the card at the end.  I suggest that we pick a card that has a generally low price but enough cap for us to get a bunch of bids in.  How we will go about this, is that we'll bid using some codes.  Person 1 will only bid in amounts that end in 11, and person 2 bid amounts that end in 22, etc.  This way we'll know that we are all in fact bidding with each other.

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