
Any MF Watt (TE) Reviews?

I'm thinking about using him in the slot as a blocker/slot receiver.  I do like his slower speed.  He has decent RTE, REL, CIT, RBK, STR, and he's almost 300 pounds.

Has anyone trained and used him in the slot?


I used him at TE from the time of MF til after the SB when I got WR Foles and moved UF Graham to TE. It wasn't pretty but he would consistently catch in traffic.

Had him trained to 99 and he's still on my bench.


Once I trained him he has been one of my best receivers. I throw to him a lot though I have Megatron and Foles on WR. 

You can‘t train height. He is my TE and his blocking stats are  very helpful. I got an SB Gronk in the slot. Untrained. 

Here‘s a picture.


he was ok back then, but I doubt he would compare well to many of the newer TE that have come out since then. I have to imagine that SB Gronk might even be cheaper than him, and SB Gronk is a beast. Also, Gronk will be the TOTY TE, and I have to believe that he will be a beast.


I've heard he has hands at the equivalent of a dog. Because a dog doesn't have opposable thumbs, get it? No, ok, that's fine.


I have him at TE,and at 105 he is good at cit,and very good at plays near the sidelines.which is handy when u have 4 or 5 defenders on u.


Quote from ethan1234k >> Quote from ethan1234k>> Don't even think about picking him up! Drops so many passes, and for some odd reason can't block anyone.

 Did you train him up? I did not train him, I have Hunter Henry Tournament reward 102 overall, was running with Watt in the slot. After he played like garbage, I used him as TP


Quote from ethan1234k>> Don't even think about picking him up! Drops so many passes, and for some odd reason can't block anyone.

 Did you train him up? I did not train him, I have Hunter Henry Tournament reward 102 overall, was running with Watt in the slot. After he played like garbage, I used him as TP


If u train him after 96+ then he'll literally catch everything for u. Before hand I had problems with him but once I trained him he has become unstoppable. But since he's so big he may not catch 99% passes but enough to not cost many games.


He dropped a lot for me. Ruined so many drives


Quote from ethan1234k >> Don't even think about picking him up! Drops so many passes, and for some odd reason can't block anyone.

 Did you train him up?


Don't even think about picking him up! Drops so many passes, and for some odd reason can't block anyone.


Quote from polonhtown >> I have him trained to 105,I like how wide he is.but i notice on some plays the defensive tend to not even cover him,and he just wide open.

 hmm, 105 Watt TE.  Interesting.  Do you have him at TE or slot?  What plays do you usually run for him?


Hmm, ok.  I was wondering if slow/fat TEs are good since the coverage usually runs past them, so the fat/slow TE can run his route, turn jump and basically box out the defender.  I remember I had OOP 80 Donald Penn TE in MM '15 and he was pretty consistent for a while with my probably 95ish team but I outgrew him when I went 100+.

I'm actually waiting for EA to make a nice Jimmy card.  Neutralizer is a bit expensive with bad CIT and RTE stats.  Ertz is ok, but I have PO Kelce who is 6'5" and seems very similar to Ertz so I wanted to different sort of card.  I'm not a big fan of Gronk on MM.  I just never really liked his cards.  I have his SB on my bench but haven't committed to him yet (don't want to train him if I'm not starting him).

Thanks for the advice, but I guess Watt is a no.


I have him trained to 105,I like how wide he is.but i notice on some plays the defensive tend to not even cover him,and he just wide open.


His catch is terrible. He killed many drives with drops. Replaced him with super bowl ertz and the difference in performance has been night and day.

Much better te options out there. Mostly useful for theme trams at this point.


I would go with a new player like Gronk, Kelce or Ertz. There are so many good TE's with better stats, from my gameplay OOP players feel a little lacking to me.


Yeah, like 3 months ago there were plenty of reviews. I tried him out for a few days when he was new. Used him to train Cooks. Back than he wasnt even that good. Plenty of good TE options 7 months into the season and they arent Watt.


I’ve had him since MF and tried LS Gates and SB Gronk others have come and gone as I can’t part ways yet his height and size morphs everyone around as I notice his rolls over the defenders also his catch in double and triple coverage is awesome id suggest you try him in alt account if you don’t wanna  kill your main account coins I have him in at TE currently at 102 ovr so his CIT is great but it’s his strength that does it speed is ok


I'm thinking about using him in the slot as a blocker/slot receiver.  I do like his slower speed.  He has decent RTE, REL, CIT, RBK, STR, and he's almost 300 pounds.

Has anyone trained and used him in the slot?