Quote from justain1 >> Quote from raven2wp >> Yesssssss (in my best Napoleon Dynamite voice)
Sorry, I'm kinda new to this MHC stuff. Trying to figure out how to send you the MHC at the moment.. Ok, I sent it. Did you get it? Check your profile. For some reason us bronze people don't have our MHC displayed.
Quote from raven2wp >> Yesssssss (in my best Napoleon Dynamite voice)
Sorry, I'm kinda new to this MHC stuff. Trying to figure out how to send you the MHC at the moment.. Ok, I sent it. Did you get it? Check your profile. For some reason us bronze people don't have our MHC displayed.
Quote from justain1 >> Quote from raven2wp >> During a live event where you have to use a certain player. So if you have an OOP player at receiver or QB and then the live event has you use their other version. So if you had OOP Wentz at WR and then the live event made you use Wentz as your QB.
Quote from justain1 >> Quote from raven2wp >> During a live event where you have to use a certain player. So if you have an OOP player at receiver or QB and then the live event has you use their other version. So if you had OOP Wentz at WR and then the live event made you use Wentz as your QB.
Quote from raven2wp >> During a live event where you have to use a certain player. So if you have an OOP player at receiver or QB and then the live event has you use their other version. So if you had OOP Wentz at WR and then the live event made you use Wentz as your QB.
Chicken Dinner! In the clutch!! Video Proof:
Quote from Angels_88 >> Are you able to use any of these players at the same time with their WR card? I know EA usually makes it so you cant, but they have made it possible in the past with certain cards https://www.muthead.com/madden-mobile/18/players?filter-program-18=247&&filter-position=1
No, you cant.
Are you able to use any of these players at the same time with their WR card? I know EA usually makes it so you cant, but they have made it possible in the past with certain cards https://www.muthead.com/madden-mobile/18/players?filter-program-18=247&&filter-position=1
Quote from justain1 >> Quote from jz1459 >> so it's not mm vick thowing to oop vick during the fake punt pass for a td?
You know what? This wasn't the answer to my riddle, but I see that it's possible to do it this way. I can't award the blitz prize because it was under the pretense that the Fake punt pass wasn't an answer, but I have to give credit to Graz for coming up with it first.
Quote from GrazDozTrez >> Oh dear... is it all crashing down or is Foles + Foles working?
No, but that's kind of close.
Quote from justain1 >> Quote from jz1459 >> so it's not mm vick thowing to oop vick during the fake punt pass for a td?
You know what? This wasn't the answer to my riddle, but I see that it's possible to do it this way. I can't award the blitz prize because it was under the pretense that the Fake punt pass wasn't an answer, but I have to give credit to Graz for coming up with it first.
Quote from jz1459 >> so it's not mm vick thowing to oop vick during the fake punt pass for a td?
You know what? This wasn't the answer to my riddle, but I see that it's possible to do it this way. I can't award the blitz prize because it was under the pretense that the Fake punt pass wasn't an answer, but I have to give credit to Graz for coming up with it first. I still don't want to award it because it wasn't really what I was looking for. It had to be offense only.
so it's not mm vick thowing to oop vick during the fake punt pass for a td? lol nvm just releaasied the punter throws it
Quote from GrazDozTrez >> Quote from Rjkasper88 >> You don’t have MHC showing but the answer is Nick Foles
You can't have multiple versions on the same side of the ball.
Hmm.. Really?
Quote from Rjkasper88 >> You don’t have MHC showing but the answer is Nick Foles
Yea, I don't think Bronze members show their MHC. I don't have a lot but I have some though. But no, it's not Nick Foles. Also, if it were Nick Foles, how would it happen?
One of the Play of the Year collectibles Mariota to Mariota was a cool play. Watch here.
In Madden Mobile, this play is almost impossible to replicate. However, it is possible for a QB to pass to himself for a TD. How is this possible in Madden Mobile on offense? MM Vick throwing a pick to OOP Vick for a pick 6 does not count. It has to be on offense.
I have video proof that this is possible.
Hint : this is a "riddle."
BLITZ BONUS: I'm gonna give the video link answer, but if someone figures this out in the next 20 minutes, I'll award 0.1 MHC as a prize.