
Where are the Programs?

I've been playing since MM16.

At no time do I remember a span of nearly three weeks where we got no weekly program updates.

The past two seasons, we went seamlessly from Legends to UL's.  UL's have already started on console, we have had two Saturdays with nothing.

In past years, we'd be starting offseason programs.  Final Edition/Season Stars, CH's, etc. This year, not a one. Now, as of today, we don't even have 24/7 events.

While TOTY is fine, it is a Promo.  Preloaded I'm sure through the promo except for the two community cards, which are already done.  Weekly Programs are the baseline for this game though, they are desperately needed.  Few people feel like grinding out 40 stamina for one TOTY badge, we need other things to grind out for (that are worthwhile).

TOTY goes on for a while but the new players will be done tomorrow.  So what next?  Just seems like the game is fading.  They blew their wad with a whole team full of 100 OVR players (setting the bar outrageously high now for future releases mind you, if we get any).


Quote from Namtih21 >> Quote from stairwaytose7en >> TOTY has been very, very good. There is no reason to drop new content with how long TOTY has been.

 So is that the new normal? No more weekly program updates because a Promo is running?  It's really no excuse for the lack of content.

I truly think It's because of the nature of the TOTY sets. You can turn players into badges and if they gave us easy to access elites from programs then TOTY sets would become to simple/cheap to complete.


Can't give us any easy fodder for POTY cols.


Quote from stairwaytose7en >> TOTY has been very, very good. There is no reason to drop new content with how long TOTY has been.

 So is that the new normal? No more weekly program updates because a Promo is running?  It's really no excuse for the lack of content.


Quote from FenrisAnestor >> We'll probably see new programs/UL/gauntlet replacement/Longshot starting next week, TOTY is still all the rage but they'll probably want to give people a reason to keep playing (and keep spending) before TOTY ends completely.

My all toty offense and defense is complete,  now I am wondering what will keep me entertained in game.  Only problem is last season some of the offseason events had very mediocre rewards.


TOTY has been very, very good. There is no reason to drop new content with how long TOTY has been.


We'll probably see new programs/UL/gauntlet replacement/Longshot starting next week, TOTY is still all the rage but they'll probably want to give people a reason to keep playing (and keep spending) before TOTY ends completely.


True but i think the consensus was most love toty cause its an easy way to get a free toty or 2. so people r milking it. Plus im sure it generated a lot of money for ea which is the bottom line.


I've been playing since MM16.

At no time do I remember a span of nearly three weeks where we got no weekly program updates.

The past two seasons, we went seamlessly from Legends to UL's.  UL's have already started on console, we have had two Saturdays with nothing.

In past years, we'd be starting offseason programs.  Final Edition/Season Stars, CH's, etc. This year, not a one. Now, as of today, we don't even have 24/7 events.

While TOTY is fine, it is a Promo.  Preloaded I'm sure through the promo except for the two community cards, which are already done.  Weekly Programs are the baseline for this game though, they are desperately needed.  Few people feel like grinding out 40 stamina for one TOTY badge, we need other things to grind out for (that are worthwhile).

TOTY goes on for a while but the new players will be done tomorrow.  So what next?  Just seems like the game is fading.  They blew their wad with a whole team full of 100 OVR players (setting the bar outrageously high now for future releases mind you, if we get any).