
no more easy poty cards...

no more 50 easy poty cards/tokens...i mean the two for up to 21 POTYs, 9 not sure if ill make it to 3...i do all the events, completed all the acheivements (almost) to tier 5 last everything every day...i dont know how you guys can do it so 21 cards normal for a free to play player or am i missing something?

good luck in the tourney this weekend. it looks like a fun one....


Quote from jz1459 >> as a f2p i was able to get 4 possibly 5 without spending any coins or cash yet

 Same here. I was able to build 4 counting the 2 collectibles i still need. But technically 5 because I bought one with coins I earned over the past 2 weeks. All F2P. If anyone didnt build at least 3 by now for free they didnt even try. But not enough time to build another one free as we can only earn max 4.5 collectibles from the rest of the events. Not counting the tourney 2.5 or 2.75


Quote from mctrees02 >> The variance in results at this point is two things:

1) Those who were lucky enough to hit the broken slot machine in the first 30 minutes of the promo 2) Those who are lucky enough to pull players/cards from spamming an event.  I pulled 3 cards in one day off 25 tries using the 1000 tourney stamina award but otherwise am something around 0 for 300 when burning up stamina every other day. 

 not exactly. I started with a 95-96 OVR team, mostly untrained.  I have 21 TOTY players at present soon to be 22, with only 6 set completions + 1 which I'm counting in the free section since it was the 1st day plays.


im nms and i made 4 and im 6/10 to numbet 5


The variance in results at this point is two things:

1) Those who were lucky enough to hit the broken slot machine in the first 30 minutes of the promo 2) Those who are lucky enough to pull players/cards from spamming an event.  I pulled 3 cards in one day off 25 tries using the 1000 tourney stamina award but otherwise am something around 0 for 300 when burning up stamina every other day.


calcs for OP (at 100+ OVR): new events - 0.59 plays per day. you definitely have until the 26th and probably even longer, so worst case thats 1.7 more plays, very possible double that or more Spamming events - 0.3 plays/day. Assuming either max stamina over 450 or efficient overnight stamina use, you can spam the player events 25-35 times per day (8 when you wake up, 12 8 hours later, 8-11 when you go to sleep, 4 slim jim). Thats worst case scenario 1 play, probably well more. Tournament - 1.9 plays, 2.65 if you are willing to forgo MC. Personally, I'm selling the 90 OVR player and taking MC, but I need under 4.5 more plays, and don't want more than that since I'm not getting 15 more. Top 100 - if you don't play the event and just equip the pack, thats an elite every 6-8 days. That will likely give you 1 more play (2 promo elites) Wheel of RS - you can get an RS elite from league bank about every 4 days, never less than 5 days, and sometimes 3 days if you pull the gold RS wheel in your personal pack or hit a 3k RS wheel. Thats 2 more plays (4 RS players)


I’m wondering if it’s possible to get 9 more collectibles. I’ve been doing randoms and have been lucky enough to not pull a single special teams player.


I have BUILT 6 so far and have another 2 that I could make if I went randoms.

My first build was aided by the 14 POTY collectibles I pulled in the first 30 mins of the drop lol


I actually used the TOTY boosts to take my team to 100 then 105 for the extra events every day.  So that is 19 extra that I wasn't getting at the beginning.  That helps a bit in making up for the free 50 badges a day that we were getting.


You should have...seen this coming...from...a mile...away


Quote from jz1459 >> as a f2p i was able to get 4 possibly 5 without spending any coins or cash yet

 Yeah. Anybody who is just grinding the live events is going to be able to get 3-4 players. At least from the random set.


as a f2p i was able to get 4 possibly 5 without spending any coins or cash yet


I did the random player, I am selling the cards and not keeping them on my team so my willingness to wait might not be the same as yours. I should have my forth player tomorrow, I have poor look in getting all the collectibles that I need.


no more 50 easy poty cards/tokens...i mean the two for up to 21 POTYs, 9 not sure if ill make it to 3...i do all the events, completed all the acheivements (almost) to tier 5 last everything every day...i dont know how you guys can do it so 21 cards normal for a free to play player or am i missing something?

good luck in the tourney this weekend. it looks like a fun one....