
Why Wont My Auction Sell?!

been trying to sell PT Russell Wilson for the past WEEK, saw him in the acution house for 700k BID, posted at 650k, no sell, saw him later at 600k, posted at 580k, no sell, saw him at 450k, posted 400k, no sell, help please im getting so frustrated


Scott brings misery and joy Good luck


Ya the price of QB are pretty low as there is so many on the market and plus we got a free Brady from Christmas that tanked the prices.

I was able to sell him for for 550k before I got PB Russ, keep trying 400k maybe.


Yeah quarterbacks don’t go for much


Quote from RobDog66 >> Quote from Shadowconmaster >> Primetime Wilson is probably only worth at most 325k and only to people who run Smashmouth.

92 Baker mayfield(smashmouth) with +2 CAT goes for around 400k BIN.

okay, ill try this thanks guys


Quote from Shadowconmaster >> Primetime Wilson is probably only worth at most 325k and only to people who run Smashmouth.

92 Baker mayfield(smashmouth) with +2 CAT goes for around 400k BIN.


Primetime Wilson is probably only worth at most 325k and only to people who run Smashmouth.

92 Baker mayfield(smashmouth) with +2 CAT goes for around 400k BIN.


been trying to sell PT Russell Wilson for the past WEEK, saw him in the acution house for 700k BID, posted at 650k, no sell, saw him later at 600k, posted at 580k, no sell, saw him at 450k, posted 400k, no sell, help please im getting so frustrated