Friend of mine was having trouble understanding the promo, so I wrote this out and he said it helped. I also DMed it to a few people here. Thought I'd put it here in case someone else might have some use for it. And yes, it's long. I'm sorry.
To get Donald it's simultaneously simple yet unnecessarily difficult. Lol. Sounds weird but it's true. Basically, it's easy, in theory. All you need is the 3 Draft Shields. You get them from doing any 3 of the top 4 draft picks. Now before doing the chains you want to focus on becoming the No. 1Prospect. This is similar to upgrading the UL sets up to Onyx level to increase the drop rates. So to do this you need to spam the Draft Stock Blitz I &II. No difference between the two, just on different schedules. By going through these you get 10 draft stock points per win. You can check your status by tapping the ribbon just to the left of where it says pick 5 on the event page. You start at First Round Prospect, then Top 10 prospect, then Top 5 Prospect, then finally Top 1 prospect. Now you're ready to start the real grind. You can do the 80 stamina No. 1 prospect event for decent stuff. It could give a #1 Pick badge which would be like hitting a boom or bust. But you're bread and butter are the draft stock 1 and 2. The 3rd one next to those 2 should be ignored. It's a waste if you're doing Donald. That's for other 99s.
Ok. Now the fun begins. Go to the sets and the 5th row down is where you start the chain. The row titled Draft Trade Offers. The first one, No. 11-20 Pick. When you complete this, you choose 1 of 2 badges. A 11-15 Pick or a 16-20 Pick. For Donald you need to choose the 11-15 Pick badge. You get the collectibles from spamming the Draft Stock Blitz. Then take the 11-15 Pick badge up 2 rows. The row titled Top 10 Trade Offers. Swipe all the way to the right. Now you need a badge from 8 to 10. Not all, just one. Doesn't matter, all have same requirements. Put your 11-15 badge in. Actually, the 16-20 would work too, same diff. Put in the 20 badges and elites in and get the Pick reward and shift to the left. Now choose one between 5,6 or 7. Not all, just one. Same process. Then take that and do any between 1 and 4. You have to do this whole process 2 more times until you have 3 of the top 4 badges. Still not done. Now you have to sit on those three badges until draft night. Then the 2nd row down called Top 10 2020 Draft Players will open. You'll put in the Draft Pick badge as well as 90+ Draft players. 6 for #1, 5 for 2,3 or 4. You'll get whomever is picked at that spot. And also a Draft shield. Three Shields and Donald is yours. Hope this helps
Friend of mine was having trouble understanding the promo, so I wrote this out and he said it helped. I also DMed it to a few people here. Thought I'd put it here in case someone else might have some use for it. And yes, it's long. I'm sorry.
To get Donald it's simultaneously simple yet unnecessarily difficult. Lol. Sounds weird but it's true. Basically, it's easy, in theory. All you need is the 3 Draft Shields. You get them from doing any 3 of the top 4 draft picks. Now before doing the chains you want to focus on becoming the No. 1Prospect. This is similar to upgrading the UL sets up to Onyx level to increase the drop rates. So to do this you need to spam the Draft Stock Blitz I &II. No difference between the two, just on different schedules. By going through these you get 10 draft stock points per win. You can check your status by tapping the ribbon just to the left of where it says pick 5 on the event page. You start at First Round Prospect, then Top 10 prospect, then Top 5 Prospect, then finally Top 1 prospect. Now you're ready to start the real grind. You can do the 80 stamina No. 1 prospect event for decent stuff. It could give a #1 Pick badge which would be like hitting a boom or bust. But you're bread and butter are the draft stock 1 and 2. The 3rd one next to those 2 should be ignored. It's a waste if you're doing Donald. That's for other 99s.
Ok. Now the fun begins. Go to the sets and the 5th row down is where you start the chain. The row titled Draft Trade Offers. The first one, No. 11-20 Pick. When you complete this, you choose 1 of 2 badges. A 11-15 Pick or a 16-20 Pick. For Donald you need to choose the 11-15 Pick badge. You get the collectibles from spamming the Draft Stock Blitz. Then take the 11-15 Pick badge up 2 rows. The row titled Top 10 Trade Offers. Swipe all the way to the right. Now you need a badge from 8 to 10. Not all, just one. Doesn't matter, all have same requirements. Put your 11-15 badge in. Actually, the 16-20 would work too, same diff. Put in the 20 badges and elites in and get the Pick reward and shift to the left. Now choose one between 5,6 or 7. Not all, just one. Same process. Then take that and do any between 1 and 4. You have to do this whole process 2 more times until you have 3 of the top 4 badges. Still not done. Now you have to sit on those three badges until draft night. Then the 2nd row down called Top 10 2020 Draft Players will open. You'll put in the Draft Pick badge as well as 90+ Draft players. 6 for #1, 5 for 2,3 or 4. You'll get whomever is picked at that spot. And also a Draft shield. Three Shields and Donald is yours. Hope this helps