
A Final Plea For Help

Ok, I'll keep this short. I know I bring this up a lot. I'll never bring it up again. But I implore you, please can we please, PLEASE, have some option for this? Something. Anything. So, GameChangers, Mr. Messina, that EA Blueberry guy, that Lancelot guy (He's gotta work for EA, right?), anybody, throw us a bone here.



MAX them to 105, then exchange for a stamp. Only costs you 30 badges per card to get them off your bench.


This right here is the only option


How do you have 2 Shaziers?


From the Evo exchange set for a Max badge


Oh yeah I remember the other thread about coin making

Edited by markymark979956


Yeah I have like 15-20 from the 325 times I’ve done the set. I realized how many coins I lost so I was able to stop


Hey man. I am going to shoot you straight. No trolling. This is on you buddy. It is not for EA to bail you out of your choice, or addiction as you noted previously, to continue to do a set with reward and RISK. This is the risk. Just shooting you straight man. Your choice to go down this road and you knew the risk. There is a risk with a lot of choices in earning coin in this game and I have been burned myself. (See second and third pass on honors sets.) Good luck and be careful with the big bets.


Well he didn’t know he was gonna get these N/A cards, and who knew you could pull shaz from there


This may be true, but what about that 105->max stamp exchange EA just released?

Shouldn’t people be careful when they invest millions of coins of resources into a 105, instead of having EA bail them out of a bad choice?


Losing 20-30 badges for a stamp is a bailout? LOL


Yeah. I hear you, but not quite the same thing at all. And as Crane pointed out, the penalty is MASSIVE.


I think losing all of that is penalty enough if they really want to try another QB


No, you're right, you're 100% right. And I appreciate the straightforwardness. There's a respectful way to go about things and that was respectful. That's rare and appreciated. The 1st Manning I got, like day 1, it wasn't in the description that past GMs were pullable. But, the over 300 times I've continued to do that set all falls on my shoulders. Just wishful thinking I guess on my part. There's others though as well. The team hero cards that were in the Alumni Packs in January. I have 7 gold Fournette's on the bench. Same situation. They're NAT, unexchangeable, etc. Just sitting there. Taunting me. Lol


All good man. There may be some that never get used, but I bet a purge will come at some point end season. It has, and has not, happened in the past, so be patient.



Oh wait, that was MM18


Lol. Almost had me. For like half a second I was like "wait, what, how, where" but then reality set back in & I remembered things like OD and MadMax and everything went back in the crapper. I mean is it me or do I have Anhedonia or what? Lol!


Yikes! It looks like you’ll just have to start over on a new account 😭😭😭


Yes you do need help. There’s got to be some sort of counselor or phone number of someone that could give you the help you really need.


Thanks for the constructive advice. Duly noted. Glad you felt just so compelled to comment after all your current vitriol spewed by you in my direction. Wow, greatly appreciated. Thanks man.

I wonder if this dew-shhhhh noticed my sarcasm?


Seriously, how is poooooooper not banned yet? I've reported him a dozen times for harrassment in the past week alone ffs






EA has done of great job of flashing Grand Masters (among others) this year then making them worthless. How many people have MS players, Shaziers, Mannings, Baileys, TOs, Strahans, etc. sitting on their bench? Some with TP they can’t recover (MS excluded). Seriously, why can’t I exchange or sell my 93 MS Yanda for something useful...

Edited by Diesel876


Champ starts for me. Never built Shaz, Strahan, ect. very far because I felt they'd become obsolete fast though I do see guys running both Shaz and Strahan.


I guess you pulled them from packs or something? crazy. I have a 72 team hero that I can't put anywhere except in his set I guess I must have gotten from a pack too


The 72 TH most likely came from the Alumni Packs. They never addressed the scam that was pulling TH and MS cards in those packs.


The Evo exchange set for a Max badge traded in for a 96-98 Evo


I’ve made the mistake several times now of buying one of those cards on the AH to put them in team specific sets (movers, team heroes etc) only to find out again that they don’t go in any sets!! Very frustrating and unnecessary!! (Or maybe I’m thinking of those nfl 100 cards)

Edited by Kglbltz


That's another thing. I made the mistake of buying a 88ovr promo player to complete a set only to notice since it's an 88ovr version of the 98ovr promo master, it's not able to go in the set. Ugh. But my Manning's and Shazier's aren't even auctionable. They're NAT, can't exchange em, nothing.


Cost of doing business I suppose.When you take a risk with that set sometimes this is the end result.I could see the aggravation at looking at your bench though.


Buyer beware, oldest cliche in the book.


Yeah that's true, to an extent. But, it's like that quote by M.J. on that documentary. About the headache and the bottle of aspirin. If there were 10 pills in the bottle and 9 would cure your migraine but 1 would kill you, would you still take 1?


Depends on how bad the headache is ... lol