
Should I clear it? And did you?

Sitting on a bench full of randomness. I think I counted in the neighborhood of 400+ elite players at 70 or less power. I did not even start to count the 90+ overall players. Generally speaking I am more comfortable having a large supply of assets stored but I am thinking of dumping everything into random area's (TP, Max badges, coin trade in set, recycle bin). Any draw backs to doing this? The speculation of new sets requiring x and x is what has kept me saving all this time, but I am considering a change. What are others thoughts, how much do you save on your bench? Without knowing exactly what I have is there anything that would be worth saving other than current promo and program items? It seems the game is set on using program specific players and other currency making everything other than TOTD items obsolete. Thoughts?

-1 point

save for boss promo


So far I have done the 85-89 coin exchange, traded in enough for 2.1m coins before I ran out of 85's. Still have over 250 86-89 though so they are sitting in the max set until I pull more 85's. All 84-80 players went to the item exchange minus the 125 needed for the special max set. I still had 2 mill in tp and over a million in FO points. I went through and maxed every front office item I could so as not to waste to many. Sit down and see what remains later. TP are going to become a hot topic as I max more players. Try to get closer to 5k power.


FO points are capped at 1 million. You Can’t go over 1 million unless they changed something very recently in the last update. Where’s the 85-89 coin exchange? I only have a 82-86 coin exchange that rewards 20k+.


20k+ Coin trade in is great. Make sure you don’t put in any 100-130 power guys for the 82-86 OVR players though. From seasons I used to make 500k a day from 20k+ trade in set. I ran out of non 100-130 power 85s these days though. Sometimes I get lucky with the 85s from seasons games.

Edited by pooooooooooooper


80-81s and 87-89s 30-60 power guys go towards TP. Everything else I have goes towards making Madden Max badges. It’s good to diversify getting coins, TP, and Madden Max badges. If you play at least one season a day the coin making 82-86 OVR set kind of replenishes itself. With lots of seasons play you really aren’t losing the players in the coin set you are just cycling through the same players over and over again. It’s much better than having close to max inventory all the time which is super annoying.


Clear it


This. You will always get more players


I would save in the past but cards become worthless so quickly. Also coin sellers ruined the AH long ago and it has never recovered. I try to sell fast or keep for Max Badges, FO, TP and leftovers to the recycle bin.


I think you have several things to consider: 1. What is your overall power and how much can you increase it? MM guys take about 1.2M TP to get to 300. How many of those do you have?
2. What's your coin stack? The 82-86 set is around 50-60K coins on average. Doing it 10 x would give you 500-600K but also deplete a lot of potential TP. I wouldn't worry too much about keeping regular elites on your bench. The past promos have all started using their own currency as far as elites go so base elites are pretty much either TP or coins. If they are just sitting there they are clogging up space. I always do TP personally. Trying to get 11 MM guys to 300 is a major pain.


I emptied my bench for TP and Max badges.


Why not list them on AH and sell 5-10 of them every day?


I did a pretty good clear out to get TP for MAX players.


So far it is looking like retaining a large inventory is the normal for most.


I usually wait until my bench is full, then I start dumping stuff. Sell what I can and trade in what I can’t for what I can.


Coin trade in is a better value than the 80/85 low power MadMax sets. I put most of them in the coin set. Other unsellables I exchange for FO.

I still have a nearly full bench and roughly 600 uncollected AH golds and elites.


I would definitely trade-in 82s through 86s in the coin trade in set.