If we get live H2H i'll take back everything negative i've ever said and commit to dropping loot.
Congrats op, you are definitely the superior list maker
Thanks. Also thanks for the mhc. Not necessary but much appreciated. Maybe I can win a raffle for once
Live H2H should not happen. The lag on mobile would be far too difficult, and that’s before we think about the amount of NTOs we’d have. It’s an awful idea.
Yeah there would be way too many problems. Plus my phone would probably die lol
We make excuses for EA. How is it we can have mobile FPS games like Fortnite, Apex, PUBG, ect. I think it's possible, this development team just sucks.
Yeah. I know it’s highly unlikely, would be hard to pull off but would be great and add a good gameplay aspect but I not see it happening but would be great if they could somehow get it to work
Completely agree, especially with power and boosters. I'd say get rid of max also because to me it takes away from OVR progression. But well put.
Yup. Max ruined the game and ovr progression. All they got to do is look back at what they did in 16-17 and even parts of 18
This is my 2nd time typing this out. First time, I lost all I typed cuz I opened something in another tab on my phone and what I already typed on here was not saved onto here.
So this is a list of things big and small that I would like to change for madden Mobile 21. Basically everything I miss from old madden mobile, or hate about this year, We are getting our first news June 1st which is Monday I believe and I guess I need to get this thread out before then. I was going to make it a couple months ago and decided it was too early. Now, I am going to explain my reasoning behind each, how it could work, etc. This is going to be a longer thread so if you don’t care for the explanations, that’s fine I will provide each thing on my list first, then I will explain each below. It is a lot took me a while to type. Some things are small and don’t affect the game as much, some are not. Enough talking let’s get to the list!
Fix the AH
Live H2H games
LTD Cards
Coin packs
Get rid of overdrive completely
Get rid of power
Get rid of EVO cards
Change the card art, game layout back to earlier style
Get rid of field pass
Legends/UL set changes, weekly promos
Add trophies, quick-sell packs back
Put packs back in packs
Madden max, ovr progression changes
Make all cards auctionable immediately
Get rid of/change boosts
Now, for those who want to see my explanations, continue reading, for those who don’t, don’t read it.
Fix the ah: It would be great to have the old auction house back. My favorite thing in 16-17 was sniping on the auction house. Getting that snipe that would give you a couple hundred thousand coins was always the best. While it is highly unlikely we get back the glory that we once had, they have to at least improve the system. Why do some 98s sell for 50k while 85s on the auction house are more than that and will never sell off your bench? That just is not logic. So improve the system or give us the old auction house back.
Live H2H Games: This is a longshot chance of happening. But imagine we could get live H2H games, you play offense, defense, and special teams. It’s the same thing as season mode, but live against another person online. While this does not seem likely, it would be an awesome thing to put in the game which can be real fun if linked to #3
Tournaments: We all remember how awesome tournaments were in the days of MM18. They gave us great rewards to the players who performed well. As I was talking about how great live H2H would be, what if we can get live H2H tournaments every weekend, give good rewards and have some fun. We all want tournaments back and I have a feeling next year we will get it back in some way, shape or form, but if we can get a live H2H in tournament form, that would be insane.
LTD Cards: What was the best part of shredding through packs in the old days of madden mobile? Pulling a limited time cards. My best memory of packs was a weekend. There were boss ultimate legends in packs, I think Reggie White and John Elway and I pulled them I believe 4 times combined. It was awesome and my best most insane pack ever. We need weekly legend, ultimate legend limited cards in packs and in addition to that, in all our promos, getting 99 ltds for super bowl, stuff like that. Also, no boom or bust, $100 packs for it. It just ruins the point.
Coin packs: The coin packs we get now are pro packs, or bad packs in promos that help but really aren’t what we use to have. We had all the different kinds of packs last year refreshing every couple days like we had in the earlier days and then bundles for ea to make their money. Take out gems if we can get stuff like this I don’t care. But coin packs with limited cards was always a fun time.
Get rid of overdrive completely: “Overdrive will not be the main focus of the game” yet it still is a big part of it. A very small amount of people actually enjoy playing it so don’t even keep it in the game. Like why, nobody wants it, it is not enjoyable just get rid of it and take anything about it out of the game.
Get rid of power completely: Do I even need to explain? If MY TEAM has HIGHER OVR cards, I Should have the advantage PERIOD. If I have a close ovr I should have a good chance at winning and not lose a lot of that when he doesn’t have 2k more power than me. I don’t need to explain it more. That’s it.
Get rid of EVO cards: I do not support Evo cards whatsoever. Some of you may disagree with me but, it ruins the point of a card to get an upgrade later in the game. Why would I try to even get a new card that someone gets if they already have a card that can easily be evolved to a certain ovr? It’s stupid. New cards come out, replace your old carts that is how it works. I know it’s good that old cards can be improved but it’s going to cost me similar to what the new one would cost me to buy anyway. It’s just pointless and stupid.
Change card art, game style: The game looks different, and the cards look different and it changes the vibe of the game. Just rectangular cards with the color on the bottom of what tier it is and ovr and position in the top right. Cards don’t look like they used to which changes the vibe of the game, and so does the way the game is laid out. Having all the different live event maps, just is too much in my opinion and the game was more fun simpler with a couple blitz events on one map. The menus and everything is different and it doesn’t feel anything like it was in the earlier days.
Remove field pass: Now I know there are a lot of you out there who are a fan of it but here me out. I am Free to play, which may be part of it, but also I still am not in support of it. I hate how now every promo revolves around the cards in each field pass season. Promos had risky sets and some rarer cards that you could sell for more and I enjoyed that and packs were for those players do it also has contributed towards coin packs for promos being horrible. If they can keep it and not have promos revolve around the field pass it’s ok if they keep it but I’d rather it not work that way. Such a money maker for them that they probably will keep it but I hope that they do. I do think that a lot of you disagree but this is my opinion on it.
Legend/UL set changes, weekly promos: I absolutely hate the way that they do them now with the badges and tokens it’s stupid and annoying. We had coin packs to get collectables/players that could go into the sets and the rare ones sell for good coins. Is it possible with the bot auction house this is why it stinks now? Because of the price floors it would mess up the prices of certain collectables? Think about it, it is not a free market controlling the prices so that is a very possible reason as to why. Also weekly promos updated frequently like we had with Flashbacks, veterans, free agents. Update those with new players occasionally like we had. Some kind of promo like that would be very nice.
Add trophies, quicksell packs back: We do have the exchange sets for coins now, but remember trophies from the old days? We’d have like the elite trophy masters and stuff and so many things that you could do with them, like small and large quicksells. While they were horrible, it gave value to lower cards you’d have in your binder, to exchange for trophies and make coins back, and if they could implement this into the game next year, it would be a great way to clear binder junk especially if it is like how it is now and you can never get anything to sell with the way that the auction house is nowadays.
Put packs back in packs: What do I mean by this? Remember mm16 you could get a pro pack collectable, all-pro pack collectable, red-zone pack, signature pack, etc. inside a pro pack? We had all those packs as coin packs and could get them for free occasionally if we were lucky enough! It was awesome and those were coin packs that were fun to open. While they were rare, it was always fun and a nice time to pull one of them
Madden max, ovr progression: “Ovr progression will be much slower than normal which is why ovrs are much lower” is what they said in the beginning of the year. Go back to similar ovr progression as old days, getting a couple 99s around super bowl time, mainly 97s, 98s and a lot more 99s as the game ends. Don’t even go up to 100. And then madden max. We got this almost 2 months ago getting fully maxed cards. That is not ovr progression at all. It ruined the game this year and let’s compare this to the boss promo we had in mm17. Those were great 99ovr cards giving boosts but that didn’t do what madden max did to ruin the game. Those were nice cards and a long grind and madden max is just easier and different and just worse. Those boss cards were nice but they weren’t fully maxed out cards like these are. The boss program was great in my opinion, compared to madden max which is not.
Make all cards auctionable immediately: All throughout the year, and last year we had to wait weeks for the master cards to sell. Tell me why? What is the point of this. I friended for the master and want to sell and now you are telling me that I have to wait another 3 weeks to now sell this card that will be half the value of what it would be now? Not to mention now that you are going to have so many of these cards flooding the market at once which is never good. I know they haven’t done that in recent promos but it is because we already have a ton of high ovr cards in the games at this point so they don’t need to do that now which is great. But why is it a thing? Hopefully that does not happen at all next year which I would be very happy about
Get rid of boosters: Wow I have typed a lot. I doubt you are still reading at this point. This is turning into like a law document with all that I wrote with the numbers. I don’t like the boosters we have now. Just a bad idea to me, and there should be boosts on certain cards, like Ltd cards for example. I’m not going anymore, if you made it this far into this like 10minute read I would like to thank you.
So that is a lot. Hope you enjoy and have similar opinions. I will compare at launch to see how many of these happened. Probably 1 or 2 if any.