

How long are we going to suffer threw mediocre mechanics by these devs . I swear they’re 15 year old kids that work after school. A broken up pass that cause 20-35 second lags where the players walk around like Walking Dead Zombies while your opponent racks up points. This has been part of this game since ODs inception yet they don’t bother to upgrade the game any longer. Remember when they gave a shit about they’re players and every now and then they’d be an update with “ NUMEROUS BUG FIXES” as part of the update. Nope, no longer give a shit. But they will strip all your rights away if you bought a coin. Now that they would fix!!!!


Can they? Yes. Will they? No


It doesn’t hurt them so they won’t fix it.


An easy fix to this problem is to avoid OD like the plague.

Yeah those are frustrating. I see them in lvl a lot. Like, ok the play is done can I please pick my next play? I dont need to sit here and look at the ball laying there on the ground for 30 seconds. At least its not kicking me out and forfeiting me on drives (knock on wood).


Time delays like this are especially frustrating in OD since every second counts


That is why having that type of timed event is does not work on this platform.

I only do OD for promo points, but yeah I know what you mean.


Same, except I also do OD for the Daily Goal and to redeem the OD collectibles so I can do the OD H2H Special set


You don’t need to play OD to do the OD special set. As long as you have 2 spare tokens, you can turn them into 40 with the trade in set.


Could you explain what you mean? I'm curious...not having to grind OD for the 3000 point packs would be heavenly