
Has anyone sold a 100ovr LTD Vick recently?

Ik there has been a ton of these threads before but I have literally posted him about 30-40 times the past 2 weeks trying to sell him and it has not sold once. I have 2 of then and can’t get them to sell. Anyone sell him recently cuz I’m low on coins and would be nice to get the coins from selling him. I’ve tried all sorts of things to sell him and nothing is working in this dumb af auction house.


I sold Vick a little while ago, I used 875k start and 1.375 buy. I probably got lucky that he sold but good luck.


Don't have an answer to your question, but I feel your pain. Been trying to sell a 100 OVR UF Lamar Jackson, no luck.


Try 1.135 start and 1.35 buy, it worked for me after a few tries.


Why not, worth a shot at this point. Been trying 100 BID and 99,999,999 BIN but no luck.

I think part of the issue is that I'm trying to sell UF Lamar, not Honors Lamar. I think Honors Lamar is more in demand since he's scheme selectable while UF Lamar is not.


I would keep doing that then, surprisingly that way worked for me also on a couple other players. I’m still trying to sell 100 Montana. Good point on Lamar and hope he sells for you quickly. Could try 100k and 1.35 also, that worked on 100 Wr Evans for me.


Yeah I think it's just all a matter of luck at this point. I hate how broken the AH is now, and I really wish EA would remove or lower the price floors on Onyx cards.

Although knowing my luck, if they did lower price floors, it would end up being when I posted an Onyx card with a 100 starting BID and I'd get sniped lol


Probably lol


I feel ya. Currently have 6 100ovr in AH that will not sell. I have tried all the tricks and floors. Whats funny is they have the AH so tight and not buying anyones cards right now, yet they keep coming out with coin packs. Like HEY EA, YOU GOTTA BUY OUR CARDS SO WE CAN HAVE COINS TO BUY PACKS ALREADY! If you had told me 4 weeks ago that 100OVRS would become worthless in a month I woulda laughed you outta the room. Thanks EA!

Edited by OGVinylbeast