Ok, another Madden season is almost over... How hard would it be to reward folks with some free stuff... Like TP?
I mean, it's not like folks are going to be buying anything more this season, unless you just love to waste money. How hard would it be for EA to say, "Thanks for playing another season with us" and putting some nice little season-enders in there, like Max Stamps to TP, fully maxed 105/300 guys as the final grand master, and maybe allow Scott the Bot to buy everything in the AH at a fair and reasonable valuation? What irks me the most is that many of you folks have asked the same questions over and over, asking for clarity and explanations for many EA glitches and missteps,, but Nick and the rest of the EA gang can't seem to find the time to answer your questions. Spend more money, get less customer service. Sounds like a winning business plan! NOT!
I mean, it's not like folks are going to be buying anything more this season, unless you just love to waste money. How hard would it be for EA to say, "Thanks for playing another season with us" and putting some nice little season-enders in there, like Max Stamps to TP, fully maxed 105/300 guys as the final grand master, and maybe allow Scott the Bot to buy everything in the AH at a fair and reasonable valuation? What irks me the most is that many of you folks have asked the same questions over and over, asking for clarity and explanations for many EA glitches and missteps,, but Nick and the rest of the EA gang can't seem to find the time to answer your questions. Spend more money, get less customer service. Sounds like a winning business plan! NOT!