
Bugs in MM21

Has anyone noticed in game the large black or orange object on the field? Its a huge problem and messes up the visibility of my players. And also, can anyone on Android actually see their Yard player? Because i unfortunately can't. Overall, the game is very laggy and slow. Additionally, the game crashes instantly when i load it up after i close it. The only way to get into the game is to uninstall and reinstall it. Pretty unfortunate for a game that was so hyped up.


Have an iPhone, and cannot press on the menu button at all, so no access to training, auction or anything. Why can’t I press on the three line menu?


You know that’s not the only way to get to that menu. You can also pull it out from the side by sliding your finger from the left edge of the screen (anywhere) to the middle of the screen.

Edited by Kglbltz


seems to be common with lower end devices. This version seems to require more resources. What device are you using?


I'm using an LG K20V phone


Thanks in advance to any answers

Edited by m1k3y6i2


Yes, EA knows about it and working on a fix. Don’t know when but maybe tomorrow, it will get straightened out.


Okay, good to know. Thanks