
84 KR Lockett

So what is going on w/ this card? I am seeing a lot of people buying this at the exchange rate, what is the point? Why is this only base cards that a plenty compared to the rest? Something is def going on....


Alot of people post him at or under exchange rates and bids usually get close to the exchange rate before people stop, I assume if they can't get much profit exchanging they try and sell back for a bit of profit


i see people buying at 228k and if you post it to sell you need to post it at 253k or so, which isn't going to sell.


Because that’s a good card for KR, Lockett is a beast.


that maybe true, but this is the only card is see on AH that's high in quantity vs other base cards. why is that? cant be that pull rate for this card is higher than others


Maybe it’s rigged lol, I honestly don’t know. Could be ea is on the seahawks band wagon again like at the end of mm20.