
24 Hour Locks and 200 gem replay cost for Madden Today events is Overkill.

They change the whole structure of Madden Today and Team History and want us to embrace it. The 100 gems after the first ten plays or waiting 4 or 8 hours to replay events was fine. And I understood it when they kept increasing the stamina cost of the Field Pass Player Blitz event on the map last year as the season progressed. But the cost this year to keep playing events that only reward a handful of badges and emblems towards a gold player seems pretty ridiculous.


i complained about this paywall last year and everyone ignored it because we got to play 20 events and it was 100 gems. this year w/ gems harder to come by, lower attempts and more gems to unlock, just another step towards p2w...


Play arena and spend some of those gems.


what madden today events? I believe the mint, XP, etc do not require gems when they refresh.


The scheme and position events. Like the ST event you can only play 10 times then it locks you out for 24 hours unless you cough up another 200 gems.


To get gold players? People are still spending time on these events? I am down to coin, experience and tp. Plus scout just to solve a Daily Challenge


Over the weekend I built a handful of gold LBs and a handful of ST players. Pulled a 75+ MLB that sold for almost 100k, and same for a 78 PR. I didn't play these events at all at first. But now that we know what positions are actually selling, they are worthwhile.