I think 86 ovr player will easily make to majority of the teams. Usually a set will be there for 84s to evolve as 86. I agree with the power, since these MS series requires lot of stamina, i expect 40 base power at least.
Maybe for Masters Series, evolution makes it better, but otherwise, since Evolution makes players N/A, and it's SO expensive, it's not worth it.
Yeah all the MS series players are NA. If you evolve or not, they remain NA
I'm 83/82/82, for 82 OVR. So I'm pretty good but hardly the "best". The only 84 OVR I would roster at this point are K, PR and C.
Respectively disagree with you on this. Well, because 90% or more of players are far more casual and Master Series isn't meant to be the best of the best players, they are easy and free after all. Also, an 84 will help most users/teams. So, I think it's perfectly fine in this regard.
At the very least, it wouldn't seem to be a pressing concern with the other game play issues.
No doubt, gameplay/animations are the top 10 issues with the game but it's the same for 3 seasons with the same bugs, so I assume they will not be fixing it at all. Having said that, Masters for new promos need to be the best, not 75% or better than most.
I agree with what you're basically saying: an 84 will help 90% of the people playing the game. But I disagree with you because if MS is the "backbone" of the game (EA's words, not mine) then the best players should be forefront among the many players it should appeal to; that is, it should have something for everybody but to leave the best players (often the ones who spend the most) out in the cold seems like bad business. Furthermore, in four months, when half of those casuals are no longer playing, the best players will still be here. Having the "backbone" of the entire game being obsolete to them seems foolish at that point.
But I also agree with you that gameplay issues should take far precedence over the relevance of MS. However, we know that gameplay is not nor has it ever been a priority for EA.
Where is Messina or any of the other EA reps, usually they weigh in on these for us. Haven’t seen them since reset.
Messina don’t post here anymore because of the animosity towards him. That’s what I heard.
Just as much animus toward him and the company he represents on Reddit, probably more as they don't have the great moderators that we do here. Not as much on Discord, but only because it's much more tightly regulated and it's essentially owned by EA.
Yeah, it's already September and we can only make 90 OVR players. How are we gonna make it to 100 OVR by Christmas if we don't keep escalating and have more right now!?!?!?
I mean, ffs, the start of the NFL season is only two weeks away...
Sorry OP, nothing against you or the other posters. I'm just railing against the general escalation of OVR/Power this early in the season. As far as I'm concerned, we should be all be mostly Gold teams by the time the season starts but how is EA gonna make cash that way? Their rampant money-grubbing has ruined this game.
People are seriously over 3000 power already?!?! I just hit 2400 and was stoked haha. Damn.
I've played several in OD with 3100+ power and 87 OVR. No joke. I'm pretty decent (83 OVR/2400 Power) but not close to the top folk.
Yeah I definitely think 86/50 is reasonable, if at a low overall hopefully at least higher power
It will be weird for them to come out with an 84 OVR master, today, let alone a week from now or later.
Or just release the MS already before they become 100% useless to all teams
Now that there are 88/90 OVR players out there, I would ask our GCs and EA peeps in the forum to consider bumping up the OVR and POWer on upcoming Masters Series releases, and Lamar is in desperate need of some upgrade availability. The 30 Power players are already on the bench and I'm not one of these with 3000+ power and 87 OVR. To think that any new release would be south of 86 OVR and 50 Power at this point is tough to believe. Thank you.