I'm finished with all their events, for the last week, just playing the daily stamina they give us.
You should be able to get all 4 positions of your character to level 14 (82 OVR) by playing every event just once, and maybe 1 to 15, I have yet to complete all maps.
Edited by mabaeyens
I completed it all and mine are 15_15_13_13
Edited by knightc87
hmm I played the entire thing through and im 4 upgrades away from the whole team, I've been back through each section, am I missing something?
Its kind of lame and boring with nonsense storyline. Not a bad source of gems. I have no clue where my progress is.
Yea I see console has the yard and it looks so crisp, ik it's console vs mobile but compared ours looks like a lego 12 and under game. The only reason I feel people got hype over it is because of the ability to edit a character.
Yea, got Gideon a while ago. Just when I think I'm done another challenge opens up. Is there any reward at the end? Thanks guys.
Lol. Tbh I don't remember what was at the end as far as rewards. I think just the usual reward node. But now just waiting for the next map to be released. So for now just complete the 5 attempts you get daily
By my count about 50 or so lol...but I'm sure I counted some of the reward boxes and some of the dialogue boxes so give or take..but you should be fine I don't know when they're releasing the next wave of events.
It seems like I've been playing yard forever. Does anyone know how long it takes to clear it? On the one page it shows something that looks like a progress chart with 5 circles, 4 have check marks and 1 is blank. Is the blank one level 5? If so how many challenges are there?