
I'll teach ya how to Vert - An Overdrive AMA

What's up Muthead? I'm Tim, aka HypnoTC, a longtime Madden player but this is my first ever mobile season. That said, I'm one of those hypercompetitive gamers that has to be really good at whatever I happen to dive into. Usually it's card games like Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone, but this year it's been Madden Overdrive.

I've gone from complete noob starting during the Most Feared promo to Top 100 the last 4 seasons with 12-1600 power teams. My team is currently ridiculous thanks to the SB power boosts, I'm currently sitting at #5 and the only reason I'm not #1 is I don't wanna play 90 games on day 1 to get there lol. I figure I'll make things more challenging, and give back to the MH community that taught my noob self plenty, by telling everyone all the tips and tricks about Vert and OD I've learned from hours of hours of trial and error.

I thought about doing a vert guide, but I really don't wanna dedicate the time to pictures and graphics and all that since I'm not trying to become a YouTuber or anything lol. Consider this more like a FAQ/AMA for all things Vert/OD. I'll try to answer as many questions over the next couple days or until interest dies down.


What's up Muthead? I'm Tim, aka HypnoTC, a longtime Madden player but this is my first ever mobile season. That said, I'm one of those hypercompetitive gamers that has to be really good at whatever I happen to dive into. Usually it's card games like Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone, but this year it's been Madden Overdrive.

I've gone from complete noob starting during the Most Feared promo to Top 100 the last 4 seasons with 12-1600 power teams. My team is currently ridiculous thanks to the SB power boosts, I'm currently sitting at #5 and the only reason I'm not #1 is I don't wanna play 90 games on day 1 to get there lol. I figure I'll make things more challenging, and give back to the MH community that taught my noob self plenty, by telling everyone all the tips and tricks about Vert and OD I've learned from hours of hours of trial and error.

I thought about doing a vert guide, but I really don't wanna dedicate the time to pictures and graphics and all that since I'm not trying to become a YouTuber or anything lol. Consider this more like a FAQ/AMA for all things Vert/OD. I'll try to answer as many questions over the next couple days or until interest dies down.


I think it's called 01 trap btw


Quote from TeddyTwo >> My biggest question for you is this...

Is the title of this a Stunt 101 reference? If so you win MH for the remainder of the week

 Hahahaha I was wondering if someone would pick up on that. Yessir, it is :D


Nice thread to assist people with the Vertical basics. Personally love Vertical and being playing it in all aspects of the game since beginning of October.

I can attest to the comment about people dropping off Overdrive mode though. I personally haven't played it properly since start of UF. A lot of the people who were hammering it at start of season have either sacked it off or are preferring to setup their own tournaments now and to be honest it is so much more enjoyable than OD. It's some fun but the reward hasn't been worth the grind since UF, it's a complete time sink.

If EA really want to get people back into playing OD mode they should introduce 98 rewards with team wide boosts for top 100 - that would really bring the competitive edge back.


My biggest question for you is this...

Is the title of this a Stunt 101 reference? If so you win MH for the remainder of the week


whats' your strategy to beat EAGLEVILLAGE


Quote from HarrissirraH >> Adding to the great info already supplied...

The vertical playbook has its benefits along with its flaws, utilising positions to match key attributes is the most effective way to improve your performance, I haven’t played much OD the past 2 months due to tireless disconnects and the black screen but when I do play, it’s top 100 or nothing. Now having a fast QB is essential for Vertical, mainly because A LOT of the deep routes and short slants require development, they aren’t quick dumps. In truth, getting Newton and Mahomes made the vertical playbook streets ahead of the other 3 and made forgotten plays legitimate contenders now. Starting with a few of my favourite pass plays, TE Slot Cross, unflipped requires an immediate hard scramble to the right, and a deep bullet on the run to the streak, (Absolute Money) one of Mcarthys plays Out N Up is my favourite play in the game, 3 options, depending on the ROLB movement either a bullet to the streak, a wide open TE or later developing crossing flex. Double Under is also an incredible play, drop back with the QB to avoid bullet into the D line, and fire to either the flex or the left go route. Once you have the timing down it’s a 1 play TD ever time. PA slot under and PA post are both great, especially early on without the x2 activated for easy yds, SUto the crossing receiver, requires some QB manouvering as often blitzed, and PA Spot to the TE. Some goal line plays (as often caught, instead of wasting run plays) flipped deep post to the RB, always open or Double Under bullet to the crossing TE. I tend not to use quick slants anymore until late in the match due to coverage being zone early on in the match, blitz and Man is an easy pass to the flex.


Quote from puntflow >> you have negative 87k career rushing yards.. perhaps you should sit out the rushing advice

not srs.

good job on the grind



Quote from iamlegend0824 >> Quote from HypnoTC >> Quote from iamlegend0824


Adding to the great info already supplied...

The vertical playbook has its benefits along with its flaws, utilising positions to match key attributes is the most effective way to improve your performance, I haven’t played much OD the past 2 months due to tireless disconnects and the black screen but when I do play, it’s top 100 or nothing. Now having a fast QB is essential for Vertical, mainly because A LOT of the deep routes and short slants require development, they aren’t quick dumps. In truth, getting Newton and Mahomes made the vertical playbook streets ahead of the other 3 and made forgotten plays legitimate contenders now. Starting with a few of my favourite pass plays, TE Slot Cross, unflipped requires an immediate hard scramble to the right, and a deep bullet on the run to the streak, (Absolute Money) one of Mcarthys plays Out N Up is my favourite play in the game, 3 options, depending on the ROLB movement either a bullet to the streak, a wide open TE or later developing crossing flex. Double Under is also an incredible play, drop back with the QB to avoid bullet into the D line, and fire to either the flex or the left go route. Once you have the timing down it’s a 1 play TD ever time. PA slot under and PA post are both great, especially early on without the x2 activated for easy yds, SUto the crossing receiver, requires some QB manouvering as often blitzed, and PA Spot to the TE. Some goal line plays (as often caught, instead of wasting run plays) flipped deep post to the RB, always open or Double Under bullet to the crossing TE. I tend not to use quick slants anymore until late in the match due to coverage being zone early on in the match, blitz and Man is an easy pass to the flex.


Quote from HypnoTC >> Quote from iamlegend0824 >> Quote from HypnoTC


How am I trolling Stafford stats suck in real life and in the captain version I maxed out odgen and brown no need for stafford and second your oline is silver and gold explain that .no troll I got a screenshot of it your bragging not helping sit down be humnle 😂🤣 I got 30 million yet you are the one bragging🤔


Quote from HypnoTC >> Quote from Mad5577 >> Stop bragging, you are only in the top 100 because the top players stopped playing. If EA makes the next master 98, watch out

 Did they quit for four months, or did you miss the part where I said I was getting top 100 even with 1500 power teams and a LvL 12 Stafford? Lol. There's plenty of other places on the internet for your negativity, sir 😊


Quote from HypnoTC >> Quote from tb17 >> How many Smash Mouthers (ie. captain not  just Nagy) do you see around the top 100 and what would you say your win-rate (how many games out of 10 would you win) is against them in general? I feel SM does pretty well against Vertical (like 6-4 matchup) but against the other two schemes gets washed pretty badly.


In all seriousness, thanks for sharing. This is great stuff!


Quote from Goatbrady >> I tried it and I lost cause Matt staffStasucks like your oline

 Troll accounts gonna troll account. I hope life gets better for you, sir 😊


Quote from doctorjsh >> Quote from HypnoTC >> Quote from doctorjsh


I tried it and I lost cause Matt staffStasucks like your oline


Quote from tuccild >> Great post.  I appreciate you taking the time to write that all out for us.

How important is having 10 players of the same scheme vs. better overall players in your lineup?

 I'd say 10 players is a must. If I'm willing to switch captains over a 1 second OD timer loss, you can imagine how I feel about losing the 2 second timer buff that having 10 scheme players provides. I Have seen some top Vert guys using 3 non scheme, particularly during UF when folks wanted some combination of GOM Shockey/Hopkins/Mcglinchey/Kamara, but in general I feel like no individual player is worth that 2 second OD timer loss.


Quote from HypnoTC >> Quote from doctorjsh >> Thanks for the thread, this is helpful.

How do you effectively use Hail Mary and 4 Verticals? I have all the top receivers (97-99 in the relevant categories) but can't seem to get these plays to work consistently. More often it is incomplete or intercepted. However, I see others scoring at will using these plays on my 99 cornerbacks with 99 awareness.