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Helmets won't help, they're clearly brain dead already. This game is turning into complete trash. It's 50% pay-to-win / 50% glitch-to-win
I've said/offered so many times that they need to have someone literally just go in and play the events before they are live to just make sure everything works as it should. Especially for things like this it would literally take a minute at most to make sure it's not spitting out rewards it's not supposed to. For big promos it would take a bit longer but not much just to play each event and make sure they are working properly.
Not being a programmer I've wondered about these. Like, how long does it take to proofread the code to make sure the fundamentals are set proper?
U mean the morning KO...? one of my leaguemate had the same thought.....may be the software dev. team is too understaffed especially the QA team...but it seems that the early players are benefiting a lot from these...
Amount to "Errors" we have seen in this promo, which I am ecstatic about, there's no way EA is this incompetent or they're doing this on purpose for whatever reason. What do you guys think?