
EA where/what is the motivation to build a good team, or even play this game ???

I really would like to know ? 

My team has a 99-99, 98 OVR, with 2679 PWR 

In level 1300 pwr teams with 93 defense's are not allowing me to do anything. 

In overdrive 1300 pwr teams are kicking my ass in OD ..

where is the motivation to build a good team ? where is the fun in this game ?


I really would like to know ? 

My team has a 99-99, 98 OVR, with 2679 PWR 

In level 1300 pwr teams with 93 defense's are not allowing me to do anything. 

In overdrive 1300 pwr teams are kicking my ass in OD ..

where is the motivation to build a good team ? where is the fun in this game ?


Quote from Dliebs97 >> Quote from danteo0 >> I am the 92ovr 1200 power teams that kick ass and its hilarious I love to play big spenders, they think their team is good because of this number above the players name, but then get beat by 1 play TD drives in LvL The other day I scored against a 98D with my 91O with 1 play rune, joke is on them, guess the $$$$$ they spend was all for nothing lol suckers


Quote from 72Dolphins >> Better teams and better players should win more than they lose.  Losing just because it is just your turn to lose is frustrating and frankly unfair.  EA should just eliminate the nerf and make stats matter.  This was a problem in past years but it seems especially bad this year.

 The problem is that matchmaking is not based on power this season or, to say it better, is extreme worse this season. If you want to get rid of dda you need a fair matchmaking to start off. Nobody wants to face bad matchups all the time with Zero chance of winning (assuming that both players are average). Overdrive is a live h2h. You need quick matches so you will have bad matchmaking. DDAs are the logical solution to give everybody chance to win somehow. Is it stupid? Yes, but the problem is the "small" playerbase and the live aspect of overdrive. They cannot remove it without removing overdrive mode.


Quote from mattycarlton9 >> Don’t spend so much money then


Quote from joethighsman >> Just need to stop playing Overdrive mode. It's not good for your health.

 Just grind the promos. If you still want to play for 2+ hours a day, work the AH and make coins that way.


Better teams and better players should win more than they lose.  Losing just because it is just your turn to lose is frustrating and frankly unfair.  EA should just eliminate the nerf and make stats matter.  This was a problem in past years but it seems especially bad this year.


Quote from robertk328 >> Quote from Rattz68 >> EA Every company ever is motivated to take your money.

 Fixed it for you

 Yes but there are some companies out there that actually care about their customers and offer quality customer service and don’t screw them and give them “middle fingers” as much as possible


I understand the frustration you must have. I spent a lot of time playing since november and realized there truly isn’t a fun way to use your team. The blitz tournies are too short lived(need multiple per week), OD blows, h2h drives is lame too. It just feels like a trap app and a side hustle for console. Im also someone who never touched leagues, as i dont want the commitment and it seems like theres a lot of hate for that anyways.

Hardest thing to do is to cut losses(time and money), delete the app, and move on. It would be much easier if you could give all your stuff away to someone.

Build all the toty players in a torturous slow manner you want, still no enjoyable game mode to use em. EA just has this app here for side cash to console


Quote from viperou >> Yup, pretty sure this DDA has had the opposite desired effect. Instead of increasing playing time it has driven many to flat out quit.



Quote from Rattz68 >> EA Every company ever is motivated to take your money.

 Fixed it for you


EA is motivated to take your money.


Just need to stop playing Overdrive mode. It's not good for your health.


I like winning. That’s literally the only reason why i play


I think this thread is quite telling .... I hardly put any content in this, because I am honestly tired of complaining and expecting anything to get better, but this thread is a couple of days old now, 3 pages long, keeps returning to the top.  It's pretty clear people are getting fed up with this game... for good reason. 

I for one welcome TOTY, because I think with how bad the game is right now, and how slow the promo is ... this might be the time I put the game down and never return. I have already spent 75% less time on the game over the past 2 days, and really have no desire to log in right now. I am hoping this goes on long enough that I just completely walk away and never look back.


the percentage of losses to lower ovr and lower power teams is not a small percentage, and it has gone UP as the season is progressing to the point now that its very very in your face. Also the manner in which we lose is much more random and unlikely. Fumbles, picked hand hb toss or hb pitch, random picks etc.. overall i agree with your comment that there needs to be some evening of thenplaying field but what is happening is getting worse and much higher in frequency, and is just way too much


Yep why build a good team because it’s doesn’t matter what so ever. Super frustrating to spend time to grind or purchase a player card and then get spanked by teams with lower power and elites not even diamond card. Really missing last years season and content.


Yup, pretty sure this DDA has had the opposite desired effect. Instead of increasing playing time it has driven many to flat out quit.


Pretty sure EA threw you guys a power bone with that Long +100 power for you rich guys :) if you have that much power the top100 leaderboard is gonna be your place to challenge you at instead of ransoms


If you're not winning most of those matchups, then it sounds like user error.

No matter how rich you are, You can buy yourself a Ferrari, but if you don't learn how to drive it, you'll end up crashing it.

Personally, I fully expect that "unstoppable domination" as why else would I continue to build my team?  I don't want to be ranked against similar players all the time as that defeats the purpose of building a better team.  I just find it maddening when I see an 80 OVR defense chasing down my 97 OVR NYE Payton.  I can understand applying some variance to the game, but it's like EA takes a high school football team vs Pro and then says "you're now the same."