
Expiring sets...items...

Will leaving items in an expired set get rid of them? Say ectoplasms or Will O Wisps that I couldn't use, could I just toss those in a set so that when they take away that set it will take those too? I know in '15/'16 you would lose whatever was sitting in the set when it got taken away. It seems like a good way to keep from junking up my bench.


The trend has been for expired items to go to the bench after expiration. I fill as many sets as I can to open up bench regardless of if I can or want to finish. I’m throwing silvers and golds That are not promo related into the FF Sets as well.


No you need to manually get rid of everything. There is no recycle set either so get rid of every currency manually by the end of the promo or it might be stuck in your inventory. Letters and tools can be exchanged for 100 coins and the other stuff needs to be used in sets. Don’t start too early in case you need some of this garbage, but don’t wait until after the sets expire also.


Can probably exchange them like the letters and tools.