Hockenson is a beast. I run a 2 TE set, him and FB Graham evo'd up are insane! He's insanely good downfield, I can still run Hail Mary on 4th down because of him. He also blocks pretty well on run plays.
That strange kittle still solid for me. Unless we get an above 86 speed TE. Kittle stay on my Roster. Honestly i think he still the best TE available. I ran the Verical scheme, so i need that speed.
Edited by riggo_the_diesel
I just evo'd Vernon Davis to 91, he's solid. Kittle finally fell flat for me.
Should of waited. TE master coming out tomorrow
Its dirt cheap to buy n evo him. I had been wanting to try it but cost prevented me before.
True. Plus Vernon is real fast. I evolved bobby Wagner for same reason. Was cheap.
Who knows maybe Jeremy Shockey will be slow as snails. EA tends to do that to TE.
Edited by rubmytingting
I finally gave up Kittle. TJ is the same except for the deep route not as good. Plus totw will prob be a TE. So it’s prob time to let Kittle go before he loses all his value
Gotta say tho Kittle is MM MVP so far this year. 3 months of production and he’s still one of the top TEs available. Not to mention the EA error that made him so easy to get adds to the satisfaction. The only “glitch” I got to take advantage of.
Yeah Kittle is the longest lasting card so far this season. His stats were just insane for a 90 ovr.
Sorry to give you bad news but the totw master is a PR. Announced by Nick. The small good news is there is a out of position TE as one of the 80+ totw players. Maybe he will be fast with the boost.
But I agree with you about selling kittle before his value declines.
Edited by rubmytingting
PR... The one Position you will never utilize with a low Power totw card... These - =[(^(*=&=|(&=~. Totw Was good with the OG, some wr, some Useful cards. Now the two wr in a row are already useless...
Not bad. Better than hooper and engram so that's a plus.id say similar to kittle
Would also love a review on him. Currently rocking bobby Wagner evolved to 91 and he is pretty decent.
I have Kittle, but he's starting to have drops since Hock came out. The speed seems bad, but is he playing good?