
New Years Kaaboom - What did you select?

What did you guys select for the tier 4 Kaaboom? Hit a few S4s 87s, large presents and a 91 NYE Avery. Not sure which to go with or just get the 30 Party Favors to build a select NYE Diamond


All elites. I wasn’t lucky enough to pull tucker


Tucker and the large presents


91 DT and 87+


I picked 91 NY Agholor and 4 large presents. One of which was Large present 7, and one of the choices in that was x25 Small presents. Pulled a handful more small presents and 2 more large presents from that. Got mostly currencies, a few AF 87's, and 2k gems. Fun to open though.


Ha, just posted this to your comment in another thread. "I picked the Diamond (92 OT) and presents 1-4. Worked out better since the presents guaranteed an 87-88 anyways. Got 2K Gems, 300 Program Stamina and picked the 87/88 in the other 2. Spent 1K of the gems and burned the stamina for collectibles to net the remaining players I needed to build the 91 and got Elliott for free."


Nice haul buddy, Happy New Years my friend :)


Happy New Years brother!!