
UL coin farming?

I haven't been able to look very closely, but does it look like any of these UL pieces can be auctioned? or, alternatively, does it look like we can make coins off this without just building/selling a 96?


Honestly, if you need coins, it might be better to skip UL completely and just use your program stamina on making and selling AB players.


yeah. I still used 90 on the initial events, but otherwise you're right.
I went hard in the grind for UF, building an all-UF defense. I finally got GoM Gilmore yesterday, and it took me down to 100k coins (yikes!), so it'll be a long process building them back up. But, UF/Niners can usually be an end-game team for me and I'll be satisfied, so I have plenty of time!


looks like a no. lol oh well

my quick math tells me the only quick coins to make are by building/exchanging 89s (163k right now). but, by that same math, the masters are roughly 1.2m to build. that's probably the better route, over the course of a week.


S5 starts in a few days. I usually make all my coins in the first 2 weeks of the new season. Sell everything buy the masters is still a really viable option even with last months 97s and this months 98/ 99s


You still play mut 20?


it hasn't even dropped yet?

We'll know in 50 minutes