This is old news. It’s fifa mobile players that are suing. But I’m pretty sure they use the same strategy in madden mobile.
Edited by rubmytingting
well, to be clear and fair, this is what is being alleged. I'm not saying this ISN"T happening, but it isn't proven just because EA is being sued.
I don't have qualms with buying a FP today, because I still like what I get for my money. I want to get that new Jerry Rice because it's a big upgrade over his 90 - not because his 90 "suddenly plays like crap," but because he has demonstrably, tangibly better stats.
It's a little bit like complaining about refs, complaining about the way the NFL is run, or complaining about the problematic NFL team owners -
We all know they suck, but we love the game. So, we put up with it, because we love the game.
I bought an NFL jersey last season. I watched every Niners game I could this season, and left the commercials on.
I have spent more money on Madden this season than ever before (about $100 so far).
But you know what? I haven't spent much money on much else this year.
I barely order any food out anymore (some sushi takeout with my spouse for a lunch date here or there). I haven't gone to a movie theater in 359 days. on and on and on.
If the lawsuit against EA is successful, proving these practices, then I'll take the W and look forward to better gameplay. If not, I'll keep finding fun and happiness in the game.
But there are some of us who spent over 7 thousand dollars on MM20 for example. And many do spend much more.
Also. This technology. Do you know who just so happens to hold the patent on it?
U.S. Patent no. 10,286,323: Dynamic difficulty adjustment
You can verify. But it just so happens to be Electronic Arts. The same folks who denied it's use or existence for years
well, was the $7000 spent without the knowledge (or suspicion) of this technology's existence? Or its use in Madden Mobile?
I mean, I get it, it does feel unjust that they aren't more clear about what they are doing. But, I'm not spending money on the game, based on an idea of predictability based on card stats. I spend money on the game because it's exciting to get new things, and it's still fun to play the game.
Easy fix, never give EA money. It’s in the F2P Ten Commandments.
First rule of F2P club.
You do not give money to EA.
Second rule of F2P club.
So this means in a year or 2 we will get a class action letter giving us 8.00 if we sign up. I knew this for the last 5 years. Nice to know it is out now.
Correction - $7.20... you forgot the 10% AH tax lol
And EA will pay it out in MC so they can screw you on the 0.20 cents. Weirdly none of the lawyers will be paid in MC tho.
and a pro pack
and 30 Top 100 tokens
So I guess there is a huuuuuuuge class action lawsuit in California (where corporate headquarters is located in Redwood City) against the fine, upstanding company Electronic Arts and well, certain things that some of us suspected yet were told by the company was untrue turned out to be true after all, and criminal to boot. Lemme just put this little snippet from the lawsuit right here.
Basically what it means is that you'll get a top of the line player who will be playing balls out. Then one day, when EA decides, all of a sudden he'll start playing like crap. Overthrowing passes or 20 yards to the left. Or a HB might all of a sudden catch a case of fumblitis, or a WR drops everything like he had the hands of Roberto Duran. And wouldn't you know it, all this would just happen to coincide with the release of something new. Something that required money. So EA would make you think that you needed an upgrade (when you didn't) in order to compete with everyone else. Well, this happens to be highly illegal. Hopefully this might shed some light on things for some of you who might be wondering "hey guys why does my Favre suck all of a sudden? Gosh golly gee. And the day before field pass Friday too. Better go ask ma for 30 dollars. Aw shucks"