
Should we be past 95 OVRs by now?

Is it always SB when we get 98s ? Seems like a slow progression with season and playoffs over.


I seem to remember TOTY being 97’s recently. So it feels about right


I remember that now.


It just fine the way it is. everybody is in the same boat minus the Whale obcourse. So i have no problem with it.
The Max program kill this game last year . Hope it does not come back.


I personally think it's a little to high as it is. Whales can reach 97OVR already. There's not a lot of ceiling left beyond releasing more players with natural 99 stats.


SB promo will come sometime next week and few masters will Be 96 or more After that toty will be there, so no need to hurry in releasing high ovr. There is so much time left in reset. Like in previous years if they reach max ovr early then only option will be releasing high power players


I think we should be passed 95s


It’s better like this, I swear, if we have another madden max/bosses type thing I will be PISSED


iirc, last season during the SB, the highest promo cards were 94s, and the buildable masters were 97s. the SB "MVPs" were 98s, I think.