
You know the state of this game is bad when all "EA Community Engagement Reps" have vanished

I'm not one to throw salt on a wound or pile on when things are bad, but I feel I must break my silence after this sh*tshow of a promo.

We are at the pinnacle peak of NFL football this week. The most hyped up moment of the entire season / year. And because of this, I look forward to this very promo every year. EVERY single year. It brings excitement to the build up of the game. That being said, THIS is the promo EA went to production with?? The promo where it takes pure luck to build ONE SB master? Makes absolutely zero sense. Completely baffling. The fact that these EA Mobile Team EE's have not come up for annual performance review yet is beyond me.

So here I am faced with sacrificing 91+'s from one team, just so I can complete one master from the other team. And that's even by spending gems every day just to replenish that sh*tty cap of 200 program stamina 2x per reset. Not to mention 175 SB Legend shields that also require 1 94, 1 93, and 1 92. All for guess what?? A RANDOM SB LEGEND! GTFO.

Now back to the title of this thread. Dear EA Reps, come out of hiding and face the choir. Please explain to us all why this promo is the way it is. From the N/A players, to the ridiculous amount of badges, shields, SB tokens required to build these 91's then subsequent masters. The floors is yours. The ball is in your court. Not addressing the issues of this game and our concerns will only make things worse. Conflict Resolution 101.


It wouldn’t be facing the old church choir, it would be the facing the executioners...


I am struggling to keep my league mates engaged. This is happening about 2 months earlier than usual


Same thing is happening in my league. Most of my league mates stick around (myself included) because we like our league, not so much the game.


I've been playing madden mobile for years. But had quit for a while. Decided to start back up again last month. I've got to say, this is the greediest I've ever seen EA. Intentionally frustrating game mechanics are implemented to force you spend in order to keep up with the Jones's. I usually get the field pass, but damn. I can't justify spending any money on this game. It all went downhill when they introduced Overdrive Mode.

SB week is usually one of the most fun promos in the past. Plenty of opportunity for f2p and p2w. Now, p2w is dwarfed by whales who spend an obscene amount of money.

I'm very close to quitting madden mobile again.

Some idiot here will say... Too bad, nobody is forcing you to play.. And to their defense they're right. Nobody is forcing me to play, but that's still a shitty justificiton as to why we have to tolerate this terrible game. It's the only NFL licensed mobile game. We have opinions and concerns. It's our very right to let EA know they suck at customer satisfaction. The strategies they implement now, are great for short term monetary income. Especially during a pandemic where mobile gaming is rising. But in the long term. You've pissed me off to want to never come back.

Yours truly, MasterChiefKeef Drops mic


They took their ball and went home a long time ago. Nick couldn't take the heat when people here spoke thier mind and EA couldnt control comments with a ban or mute.


I would just keep it to yourself. Getting mad about it will not do anything. Just stop playing if you really hate it that much.


He has the right to share his opinion here just like you. You could keep your opinion to yourself and instead decided to share it here. If you really dislike his opinion that much you could take your own advice and just stop reading it also.....


I am just giving helpful advice. You guys need to stop the hate and start to appreciate.


It’s obviously hypocritical advice. It really doesn’t seem very helpful at all. He can be critical if he wants to be and you can just ignore it. How about taking your own advice by keeping your opinions to yourself? What you have said isn’t helpful and is kind of disrespectful to the OP. Personally I would much rather hear the OPs opinion instead of your opinions here. Just saying.........


Are you a paid or volunteer EA shill? There really isn't much to appreciate about the game!


I played regs only for 3 years bc I had no ps network. I appreciate everything on MUT because it is much more fun than regs.Take your hate somewhere else.


This development team, this game et al, horrid. I am convinced they are literally trying to drive customers away. Actively. There's no way that many highly educated people could be collectively this clueless. I went from being more or less F2P to actually spending a couple hundo last year b/c of field passes. So what do they do? Change the field passes. The game sucks so I wouldn't have bought them anyway but I did buy the season 4. And I had planned on buying all of the promo starters that month, it being Christmas time, even though I think they are stupid and have low value but the game is so bad, I couldn't bring myself to do it. This game is so bad that even when you intend to spend money, you change your mind. It's like going into a bar and the service and vibe is so bad that you leave without ordering a drink.


I agree with what you are saying..If you want info from EA than go to the mobile segment is at 1pm est Mon-Fri


Yes there is a lot of info every day and Nick answers a lot of questions


I think they realize their greed has led to income only coming from whales. This entire promo is intentionally set up to frustrate the gamer into spending money. Every single bit is set up this way. I mean they pretty much killed the game now. The guys who would spend $30 on FP and $20 here or there have no motivation to spend because $20, $40, heck $80 isn't going to build but 1-2 masters anymore at best. Only a whale is buying a 96 SB player for $100 and spending $500 to get multiple masters from the KC/TB sets. They do not care about anyone but the whale and our opinions matter little. I say we all come together and chargeback every penny we spend 1 month and force them to recognize what we feel. If 35,000 chargebacks occur in a 2 days they'll start listening to the little guy again. And if we get banned, fuck it. We win in that scenario too by not dealing with the bs anymore




They've driven the majority of the community communication to their Discord and successfully selected a group of suitable maniacs to silence the critics to create the perfect echo chamber.


Yep there’s a mod there that’s got a heavy hand.


I assume you’re talking about Diba. He’s the very reason I strictly consume and no longer contribute honest, respectful feedback for the EA team and community as a whole. Anything but bootlicking is an instaban from him. To continue would be to condone his actions and that’s not right.

Beautiful. Couldn't have said it better.

Every so often someone will ask why EA doesn't post on here (ever) or reddit (infrequently) and it's because they're tired of seeing nonstop criticism. Instead of confronting the real and obvious problem(s) they ran off to Discord where they can control everything. Yet the game has continued to nosedive.

Shit on your customers, drown out the majority of the dissenters, shit all over those that pay, continue to make the game worse over and over and over again, shit all over the whales again and then present the latest SB promo, shit all over.....

Maybe if they'd listen

Edit: And I'll add EA is creating a culture where people are coming after the whales. For example, some total dumbass is spending $1400/month to get a guy or two in hopes he can beat some 3000 POWER guy who's just trying to earn a daily or weekly challenge. That whale is a fucking loser. There will be a better player next week and he'll spend another $300 to get that guy. For a game that resets every August. Jesus people.

Edited by aliveeventisabouttoexpire