

9, what more can I say. No cash , no gems , refuse to spend real $$ so I’m gonna miss out on a sweet MLB because of 1 trophy. Ouch.


EA was intentionally trying to frustrate u into spending money. Every promo from here on out will most likely be the same way.


I think the main reason they made the the component players NA was to make it hard to build masters leaving guys with 7-9 MVP trophies forcing them to spend real money.


I had enough for nine. I realized last night I could finish a couple POTW sets and get 2k 💎 each. Glad I did it before MVP removed from store. That trophy pack had a 7 day timer on it too.


Just made it right before morning reboot, had to blow 12K gems but worth it. Knew EA would take that store piece away lol.


So there’s no way to get the tenth trophy anymore for a mvp?


Yeah, this promo was the worst. I had 11 91+ SB players, but NEVER got 4 that I needed. Even with the trade ins, I was left 1 shy of building my 2nd master. Then I spent a bunch of time grinding gems, and was even gonna spend a few bucks to get my final MVP trophies, and BOOM... EA takes that away. EA can take a fat rooster up the donkey.


One master was the only real possibility so I'd clamp down on the whining, free 96 ain't the worst.

Edited by 405lax


Actually, 2 masters was quite easy to build if EA didn't screw you over with constant duplicate pulls... Which also screws you over with regard to MVP trophies. The promo design was about as terrible as your math skills.


I'm talking about how it was set up, one master was all you're gonna get with duplicates. Now stop whining.


Just accumulated the gems and now it looks like the gem set has been taken down!


You can always get gems in The Yard Arena 👍

Same scenario for me, but I evo’d a bunch of MS players cheap and built fan favorites to get the rest of the gems I needed to buy the 10th trophy.

Edited by nothingfinerthana49er


No coin for AH? Cuz u could build 2 TOTW players and get 4k in gems. If u haven't played Arena, blitz thru that and get gems. Get some gems in league store. Spitballing, but should find some.


Maybe in the tournament we get some?


Yeah, that really sucks and bs. Made mvp nearly impossible for the f2p people.


Nope, F2P here, just made it with those store gem packs.


That’s why I said Nearly