
Boss battles (coming soon)

It shows the timer is green which usually means that event is live but it’s still locked. How do I unlock or is it after the timer winds down. Sorry if this has been answered I couldn’t Find it


new to mut. what is boss battles


This is the Madden Mobile section. Boss battles are the locked live events above the main TOTY live event screen. They unlock bosses and one should be available tomorrow. If you are here for Madden console and don’t play Madden Mobile the console area is in another section and none of that will make sense to you................


That’s just the countdown to when the boss battle will open up and be available. So 12 more hours to wait for the next one to open. It wouldn’t make sense If it was already open and you only had 12 more hours to complete it............the timers are always green unless there is under a hour left they turn yellow or under 10 minutes they turn red.


Ramsey is unlocked but I was referring to the couple above it.


What I kinda figured but wasn’t sure.


For the first boss battle you have to build 3 89s to unlock the Ramsey. The next one should be tomorrow maybe.