
Best way to get a 100 UL player for achievements! How to do it

As you see from help below, just buy yourself a S1 UL. I did it with 96 Bettis and 100% works!


I heard this may have been patched... don’t want anyone spending. It’s 9pm est. I’ll give a UL1 iconic a shot, but again, heard it’s no longer a thing.


Sorry to back and forth on y’all... have two ul2 upstarts and one ul1 and the yards are showing up.


Same with prime achievement


Updated numb for those that need it


I can confirm that the series 1 UL Masters will work for the achievement. I have bobby bell in this latest round and its adding to the achievement total


Just tried it myself, bought a Bettis for under 4 million and it 100% works! Thank you so much for this man!!

Edited by Lukestrot


Nice... great info! Curious if this works with say iconic as well. I have a 90 Deion... Will report back


Just read below they seem to work as well...


Get lucky and draft one to your team.

This doesn’t work either. Drafted Troy in the ultimate tournament, but the achievement isn’t working.


Unless EA patched something it was working for me.

Thanks. Not sure what the issue is then, but the achievement is definitely not working for me. Also, you made some kids day on Reddit. I guess he beat you by time in a h2h matchup, so he felt so compelled to put screen shots up with the headline of, “Just beat a 100 ovr in the tourney who was ranked #22 on the leaderboard “.


I played about 100 matches yesterday with 10 tickets left over. Switch Dig is my first play no matter the defense or formation. It's score quickly and move on.


You can probably use a 1st series UL player. I know the 1st series upstart and iconic players work on those achievements


I think they have to be 100 overall unfortunately


You're right, didn't see the 100+ on description. I'll put bobby bell in my lineup and confirm