
Hopes and Aspirations for MM22

So... with no app to log into, what are you most looking forward to in MM22?


I wish they'd bring back the tournaments from a few years ago where there was five tiers of rewards that could range from Madden cash, coins, promo stuff, etc


Would love that too. Helped finish many a promo with 2 masters.


One thing I think they should do is combine the scoring during the season for the “Live” games and make it last for an hour after the game because it’s very hectic to rush and complete them all in like 15-20min when there’s like 35 at one time


Also they should offer more of an incentive to be in a league because we all know not everyone is gonna be too 100 I.e. like the players they had in 2020 but quickly obtainable in the beginning or like a master somewhere down the line, even a token for a Fan/Team favorite player


Swipe up to truck


Packs that offer you a real shot at a come up. Like the old school legend packs where if you pulled the player card you pretty much had the legend. Those made the game great. If we get good coin packs back I could live with how terrible no AH is gonna be.


There’s no AH?!?

Edited by jameesmccarthy




Now that kinda makes me not wanna play it now😢


It's been talked about a bunch. The game looks cool, looking forward to it even without the AH. We'll see in a couple of days :)


When does mm22 come out


I hope nothing... it will be my 6th season and EA never listened our feedback. They do what they want..... i am afraid it will be worst again.... probably my last try this month and give a try in September....sadly

Edited by PASKI


They did eliminate power and OD. There is some hope of a simpler game.


Ea start not only just saying they're listening, but actually showing us theyre listening by implementing our feedback, but I guess that'll be too much like rift for them, huh? Haha. But all jokes aside, game play upgrade, e.g. blocking, awareness, our receivers actually going and fighting for the ball and rb's trucking as good as the cornerbacks, at the very least, because we all know how good those db's truck after they make a pick. That's at the top of the list for me and had been for about 3 years now. And in a very close second, I hope they do justice to the major promos (most feared, Thanksgiving, uf and easter) and make up for the less than average stuff we had last season. Oh, and being able to gift again would be nice. I always gifted my league mates for when they win the in house tournament, to acknowledge and appreciate their efforts and other random times.


Gifting would be great. Totally forgot about that


Indeed. Yea it's been about 4 seasons without it now.


as a perennial themer, i’m mostly hoping there will still be viable ways to acquire exact players. like, we can all build a team of the promo players available, but what about just acquiring the base-players we want?

this is true, especially early, but even down the line. End-game, an all-Niners team included 4 base players. We had tons of promo players (especially late). i can only imagine how many other teams had still…


I hope we can scout during arena matches


Looking forward to: competitive modes (LvL, Arena, Tournaments). Based just on what they've said, it looks to be a biiiiig upgrade.

Looking forward skeptically: how will this all work without an AH? Will packs improve enough to make a lack of AH survivable for FtP? Is FtP dead? Will the game improve enough (see above) to justify spending money or will it not improve enough and I am retired?


Yea I'm looking forward to seeing how that's going to work. I mean, I understand why they took it out, but man was that a big one.


I'm also looking forward to what the big changes or upgrades are to arena, LVL and tournaments. Hope the rewards are good and worth the grind.


League stuff mostly and how they are going to do the major promos (Most feared, UF, Easter) without no auction house.


I second this.