
Game NTOs and steals stamina and asks for more stamina to resume???

Playing The Tour and the game NTOs. When I try to resume the tour event I was playing before the game NTO’d I press resume and the game asks for more stamina? Problem is that I used 50 stamina to start the event and I didn’t have 50 additional stamina to resume the tour event. Why is this a thing? If I actually had 50 more stamina it would have been stolen from me. 100 stamina for 1 tour event when you only have a maximum of a little over 200 stamina is insane.

It doesn’t ask me for more stamina when I press the first resume button. It does ask for more stamina after I press the second resume button that pops up in a challenge difficulty box reminding me how overmatched my team is. When I press the second resume button the game asks me for more stamina and since I don’t have enough stamina it tries to make me buy more stamina with MC??? This has to be a glitch. How about making the game not NTO so much so that it doesn’t steal stamina from you in the first place? Or they can fix the resume button that asks for stamina a second time? No need to be so greedy that stamina is stolen from players in a secretive way. That’s just mean and greedy.

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