Anyway, I don't see how it will get any better for FTP. EA has set it up so it will get exponentially worse for FTP as the season goes on. Iffin you're FTP and going to try to test the whles you're going to take it in the ass, thank them for that and have to pay the bill too. I'm all for the FTP grind spirit and whatnot but I don't see any way in hell how even the hardcore FTP grinders will be on the same continent with whales. The gap will get larger and larger, etc.
On the bright side, the EA team likely did this for a better user experience. Also, in regards to all the glitches and errors in the game...the team is looking into it. Thanks for the tip.
I'm FtP, about 3750 power. I expect that, and I expect to be behind spenders. In fact, I have no problem being behind spenders; they've paid to be ahead of me. It's only right. But when spenders are, in some cases, at 7K power--come on, that's just silly. To me it's crazy that there are a lot of people who pay and are more or less even with me. Man, that would drive me batty.
Edited by alnamiasiv
I agree. You are ahead. I'm still at 3290 with 113/113 most players at level 15. The requirement of shards makes it more difficult to build a team quickly. I can't earn trophies fast enough to level up my core team. The succes rate of pulling players is very low and most end up on your bench anyway. I've decided to only rank up a few uncommon players (like Gronk) as those might not be worth a lot in a few months time when higher level players are introduced.
If anything you are ahead, F2P are a lot worse. I think everything you learned over the years helped you get ahead. I'm 5k, spend money and won a bunch of giveaways. I would just keep doing what you are doing.
Don't feel bad, I've spent $150 n I'm at 4,184. So it takes a LOT of money to really make a difference anyways. It's not worth it because there's no competitive game mode anyways. It's either a super easy win or loss. Rarely do you match up evenly with anyone.
3800 ovr, 140-127 not counting TOTW. Give up on the ideas that you can catchup with the Whales, unless you plan to flip out your plastic.
Edited by riggo_the_diesel
And here I thought my F2P 3,500 was pretty respectable...
You will lose most of the time to 4K plus players. It appears in Arena if opponent is 400 ahead it’s almost certsinly an automatic loss
Where do you guys stand as a F2P player in terms of Team Overall and Power? I’m barely around at the 3.8-4K power and 127 Off / 118 Defense. I feel really behind and it seems there is a big disparity between Spenders and F2P, especially vs 300 ovrl players already. I was wondering how far behind I am and hoping I can catch up more with next season promo