
S2 points leader has 304k points and 100k point lead. That has to be a bot right?

How is 304k points even possible in Season 2 right now? I don’t want to do it. I’m just wondering how it’s possible. Is it with 1000s of 200 MC S2 stamina refills playing the S2 blitz events? Am I missing something that rewards a lot of S2 points right now?


Probably that's the way... to some degree yiu xan get points from achievements like getting players from bundle... but tgat doesn't earn you a ton.


Just spend $5k on a promo, it's real easy.


Idk, the #2 guy was actually leading everybody until today. That #1 dude shot up a ridiculous amount in 1 day. Had to have spent thousands today lol That's the only way possible I believe.