
I need a Madden Mobile guide

I have a bunch of questions…

  1. How does rarity work? As far as I believe, commons don’t upgrade, but the higher the rarity means the higher OVR they can get to?

  1. What should I spend my first 300 madden cash on?

  1. Is there a list somewhere of the epics, rares, and uncommons so I can plan how to spend my rarity coins?

Got me thinking about what the heck I would even do if I were starting a fresh game 😂 I think my strategy would be:

  1. Build an Arena 1 lineup. A player at each position at exactly 100 OVR. Doing a weekly HoF run and ranking as high as possible will provide a steady stream of Madden Cash.
  2. I think I would do this by focusing on Journey: Genesis and Gridiron Gauntlet. Genesis would provide a lot of Uncommon, Rare, and Epic coins to be used in the Gridiron Store. I would try to build my Uncommons to 3 stars, my Rares to 2 stars, and acquire what Epics I could. I would be careful not to train/rank anyone past 100 OVR so that I could continue to use them in Arena 1.
  3. I think I would skip Tour. I'd have to go back and review what the initial trades and rewards were, but I feel like they would be outdated now.
  4. I would still try to use Promos to acquire Iconic players. These guys will go into a separate lineup which would be for LvL (if you join a league) and eventually Arena 3.
  5. I would try to save up 10,000 Madden Cash for Super Bowl. Big promos are usually your best opportunity for a big MC investment. So far, about 7-8k has been good for an additional 2 star Iconic in the last 2 major promos.
  6. As I approach 4-5k OVR with my LvL lineup, I would consider trying my hand at Arena 3. Depending on your skill level, you might be able to make your HoF run and maybe still rank top 2500, even if out-matched.

You also need a Time Machine for this advice.


My 2 yo advice was good though...


Thanks for the great info guide. This is a really well written guide. And it's great that you shared this information. After all, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find relevant and high-quality training material. Therefore, sometimes it is best to use the services of professional online services such as in order to get the best result and be sure that everything is done as correctly as possible. This is the best option for me to cope with study loads and endless homework.

Edited by terryfrost2390


Check out the newer threads and welcome in..Feel free to make a thread of your own and ask questions if you need help with anything.


Lol, this post is from 2 years ago 😂


I thought I was the only one who sometimes 'solved problems' on ancient threads 😂 I feel like I need a new Madden Guide for the the current situation 😂


HOF impossible now 😞


Alright brother.

  1. The higher the rarity the higher max overall, but it is also more expensive to upgrade

  2. Idk what overall is your team

  3. root as atl said

also if you want to join my league it is called KalBears


Settings/applications/Madden mobile/delete app/yes


What kind of phone you use lmao

Also imo from what i’ve seen, content in Madden Mobile is infinitely better than Madden 22


but also tons of recycling


It's better. Tough to start at this point though.


Yeah I started a couple of months ago and am up to a 4.5k overall.


What the guys said below and the links are the best best. In short, rarity and overall aren’t intertwined. The higher the overall a player starts with the higher you can get them in a general sense. Rarity much of anything. It basically gives certain players more presence. Many believe the higher the presence the better the player plays when factoring in stats and overall.

I’d save that 300 MC. Not much you can get yet.

As mentioned root tools is likely the best resource for players.

Muthead used to be a lot more active, but it’s wasn’t officially affiliated with EA other than the kind folks who replied to you, there isn’t that much expertise. On the other hand the layout and format still is cool. It can be hard to post a question on discord and have it up for a bit and give people time to answer. You can’t pin it as far as I know so as soon as one question gets asked ten others pop up. Welcome JJ!


There used to be a lot more discussion here, but now there is an official discord where people discuss their teams and the best things to build.

I try to keep some of this stuff a little more organized with the 'helpful thread' at the top to show what players are available with links to their ratings. Stuart's guides are helpful for the promos; I usually have a link to them in the promo threads.


Just joined. thank you!!


ATL has you covered. But props on your markdown formatting 👍

Edited by jawabomb


Should focus on getting epics and iconics now..Yes the more you level/rank up a player the overall increases on rarity. Save the 300 madden cash and keep building it up after you buy regular stamina for the daily goal. has all the players but it’s not an official site.